I'm highly skeptical of a lot of the rumors going around about the nuclear goods that may or may not be in the possession of Trump or Q...
...but this Nancy Pelosi stuff has me REALLY wondering now. Why move to impeach? They say it's to bar him from future presidential runs. But if he thought the election was stolen, why would he even bother running again? He'll be over 80 by then, so I doubt he will feel like it. And then there's the nuclear codes business. What in the world could possess her to publicly ask something like that, and in such a ridiculous way? And trying to get Pence to use the 25th Amendment? All of these are highly desperate moves and not at all the kind of thing one would expect given the 20th is only a week and a half away. If they are worried about Trump sparking violence, why would they be so provocative with him and his supporters? Impeaching him would give them far more violence than anything Trump could incite.
So this leads me to Nancy's office raid. It was said by many different people that her computer hard drives were taken. Now we hear rumors that a lap top was taken as well. And we hear rumors that it was done by a covert military unit. I was thinking "meh, could be, but probably not." And then I saw that video taken by someone on the stairs in the Capitol, where Trump supporters are yelling at these guys dressed up very differently, wearing sunglasses, surgical masks, hoods up, hats on. And one of them says right to the camera man "we're not here to be antifa". At first I thought "he's just telling them Trump supporters are not here to act like antifa", which I thought was odd because I didn't see any antifa behavior. Then I realized people above were accusing them of being antifa. That was weird because I didn't see them doing anything, just rushing to get out of there.
That's when I paid more attention to what they were wearing. They had military style backpacks on. One of them with a puffy jacket looked like he was holding onto something underneath the front of it. And then, the kicker: they all have on black beanies. If you know anything about the US Army, you'd know that we are issues a particular black beanie for our fitness uniform. And they are all wearing that exact beanie. Couple that with all the context and I can say that those guys were probably US Army, perhaps SF or a black ops unit.
Obviously I can't confirm it just with this info, but it would definitely fit with the narrative that Trump is fighting back. He would never be able to just walk in there and take her computer and laptop. The courts wouldn't allow it. The FBI wouldn't do it, or they'd make it disappear. Any warning and she would have them wiped. So how do you get ahold of something in the Capitol building, with security cameras everywhere, without any warning and without anyone knowing who took it? Create the exact kind of diversion we saw and just blame random Trump supporters for stealing it. It's a 100% believable cover and no one could bring evidence that would suggest Trump had it taken. But I think they probably know he did due to moles/traitors near Trump anyway, so that's why they are in such a hurry to squash him.
So now I'm looking at the Q stuff a bit more closely. ;)
Is anyone a really big Tim foole fan?
Does that Really matter right now? We are here to promote thought and investigation... put the puzzle pieces together.