I just thought about something. First, many people think the Q plan is hinging on Durham, but it obviously isn't. Q said from Day 1 that the military is simply the only way, that they would save the Republic and arrest the traitors, as everything else is too dirty and corrupt. And many are also thinking that the mass arrests/Storm will happen after he takes office again. But Congress has shown their true colors, including Pence and others. If he gets a second term, Pelosi and the others would just immediately try to impeach him. And if that fails, they'll try again, and again. They'll urge Pence to invoke the 25th amendment. If any of that fails, they'll carry out false flag terrorist attacks and blame it on Trump/Q. Or they'll try and start a war with another country. If that fails, they'll try introducing a second Covid virus, but much worse this time.
I don't think POTUS wants our country or us to go through any of that, especially another pandemic/quarantine or for the MSM to continue to hijack the narrative. He already has everything he needs to arrest them, as they sealed their fates with committing treason by certifying a fraudulent election. It's time for OUR SIDE to take back the narrative and put a stop to all of this nonsense.
So I don't think the mass arrests/Storm will wait until 2022,2023,2024 etc. If they're going to happen, they have to happen this month. Q also never said that all of this would be finished in one fell swoop. Q indicated that there'd be multiple wave of arrests, but that the first one would be significant (yuge) and very quick. So later on down the road they can start arresting the p3dos who went to Epstein island, Hollywood, MSM, big tech etc. But the first wave of arrests would have to be the targets in D.C. (on both sides, as Q said).
Not to mention, Q hinted that POTUS' social media would be removed and that they'd use the EMS to directly communicate with Americans while the military saves the Republic and returns power to the people. It would make the most sense for that to be happening now.
My thoughts: As soon as EBS goes off the arrests will start. Then over the next few days there will be waves of arrests and/or suicides. Then, Done in 30. At that point a new election (that will be ran by the military) will be installed and it will show the true numbers and that there was a land slide win for trump. Then he will be president starting in March.
Who will the new election be between? Presumably biden would be one of the ones arrested, no?