The goal would be to not allow corporation s to privatise anything on the Internet by declaring the Internet essential public service non-profit, and run only OSS software that can be audited. With commercial software allowed only on edge computers or within corporate networks only.
Make Internet into a truly global village !
It currently exists as tool for war fighting in new space.
Everything needs to execute on blockchain. Mathematically impossible for services on a proper blockchain from being censored, controlled, or taken down.
We can run encrypted overlay network on top of IPv4 just as this is done within large data centers and/or docker.
Alternately, we should run IPv6 network, which would be much easier due to namespace and security.
Keep in mind that unless you build local mesh network infrastructure, in the end the entire Internet is one huge honey-pot by design.
You should be aware all the time, and expect to have listeners on every technology that exist today.
What is needed is change to full transparency and freedom of speech as policy. No more secrets, or the scam will attempt to overtake it. Secrets and national security have been the very excuse to demand back doors and zero day exploits.
Form of government should change because they control all fascistic organizations.
Consequences for wrongdoings must increase. Term limits for politicians.
Justice back into communities.
Hard but possible, I could run such project , but technology replacement is not enough.
Haven't there been plans for satellite mesh networks? I realize that's an absolutely enormous undertaking but it's one of the few ways that makes takedown of the network difficult expensive.
I remember a cryptocurrency project having that (universal/decentralized internet) as a focus but it seemed like a bit of a pipe dream. I think they dropped that but it's still one of the more ambitious and possibly ahead of its time projects -
I believe that TOR and VPN technologies are not secure, as most underlying security protocols were designed for backdoor access. I know a lot about it because I am Security expert, don't trust any technology.
I am luke warm on blockchain because it means control, monitoring, etc. The only good thing is that all transactions are visible and auditable. No privacy at all.
Kind of like choosing to live in a jail forever. But all your country man are in the same jail and treated equally.
The goal would be to not allow corporation s to privatise anything on the Internet by declaring the Internet essential public service non-profit, and run only OSS software that can be audited. With commercial software allowed only on edge computers or within corporate networks only.
Make Internet into a truly global village !
It currently exists as tool for war fighting in new space.
teach me, teacher
We need banking and e-commerce too
Need the currency (bitcoin/crypto) to be adopted first
Everything needs to execute on blockchain. Mathematically impossible for services on a proper blockchain from being censored, controlled, or taken down.
For now in the interim host content in Poland.
2 mlb dollars fine against any attempt at censorship or content control.
Any Polish social networks you recommend?
I am 30 years in Canada, not sure about the landscape there. I am sure they have all big culprits.
I am thinking of getting a virtual server to host my own server. The problem is centralization not a particular technology. The problem is the cloud.
You get single point of control, for complete dependency on big tech.
We sold out for convenience alone, we should go back to owning your own assetts. Back to distributed computing, peer to peer style.
Remember Napster?
There is Solid - maybe worth wide spread adoption.
Anyone who manufactures a non-tracking, no data collection phone could make a ton of money now.
Was involved with for a phone that is open source.
It doesn't help, because telcos still are the man in the middle, hence they can and will monitor, control and report back as necessary.
So phone alone is not an option, as if it was you could just add LineageOS to your supported phone, and you no longer with google or apple.
I agree - the phones are only part of the problem.
And, boy, are you ever right about the telecoms. They made a lot of progress with their dirty work under the rural broadband initiative.
We can run encrypted overlay network on top of IPv4 just as this is done within large data centers and/or docker.
Alternately, we should run IPv6 network, which would be much easier due to namespace and security.
Keep in mind that unless you build local mesh network infrastructure, in the end the entire Internet is one huge honey-pot by design.
You should be aware all the time, and expect to have listeners on every technology that exist today.
What is needed is change to full transparency and freedom of speech as policy. No more secrets, or the scam will attempt to overtake it. Secrets and national security have been the very excuse to demand back doors and zero day exploits.
Form of government should change because they control all fascistic organizations.
Consequences for wrongdoings must increase. Term limits for politicians. Justice back into communities.
Hard but possible, I could run such project , but technology replacement is not enough.
Haven't there been plans for satellite mesh networks? I realize that's an absolutely enormous undertaking but it's one of the few ways that makes takedown of the network difficult expensive.
I remember a cryptocurrency project having that (universal/decentralized internet) as a focus but it seemed like a bit of a pipe dream. I think they dropped that but it's still one of the more ambitious and possibly ahead of its time projects -
I believe that TOR and VPN technologies are not secure, as most underlying security protocols were designed for backdoor access. I know a lot about it because I am Security expert, don't trust any technology.
I am luke warm on blockchain because it means control, monitoring, etc. The only good thing is that all transactions are visible and auditable. No privacy at all.
Kind of like choosing to live in a jail forever. But all your country man are in the same jail and treated equally.
Definitely need to get internet away from ICANN which Obama sold out before he left office.
There are a couple of better protocols that didn't make the bat because TCP/IP was what was there when everything started.