posted ago by trumpublican420 ago by trumpublican420 +18 / -0

So to my understanding, elected officials gathered to certify or object to the electoral votes for biden. The protest took place. People, possibly paid by the left, leisurely walked around the capitol. During this time, elected officials swarmed away like rats for recess. After the building was sweeped and secured, the elected officials reconvened.

Before the breach, how many people were willing to object? I thought Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania and 2 to 3 others had objections signed by reps and senators.

After the breach, objections were dropped from 5-7 states down to 2, az and pa.

What on earth happened on 1/6/21 to make people change their opinion on what happen on 11/3/20 - 12/??/20. How did the breach of the capitol alter their opinion on the fraud that happened 2 months prior?