Maybe Trump is waiting until the House convenes to impeach him to make his move. It would make sense. Move in while they're all in one place, and cant go anywhere. The 10th mountain is already in DC. I guess it would depend on who the police and other troops are loyal to, or maybe the arrest will just involve a fight between traitors and patriots.
Edit: privilege from arrest doesnt apply to felonies. ARTICLE I, SECTION 6, CLAUSE 1 The Senators and Representatives...shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same....
Source on 10th mountain?
You really think they deployed the National Guard to D.C.?
After the Cap breach the guard has been authorized to remain until end of Jan. They also very quickly erected a wall. This could be very helpful under OPs scenario.
I think military assets are in D.C we just dont know what brigade. I do not take things based on faith, i take them based on fact and merit as every anon should. Or else you get massive disinfo dumps with the usual "my sources tell me".
I like how you think