solarsavior 5 points ago +5 / -0


Video length is 17:18, but he starts speaking immediately and there is 1 second of dead air at the end.

solarsavior 2 points ago +2 / -0

The same graphic was posted two years ago.

The OP, u/queue-anon, pointed out the following.



(interesting to note that the website above ends with a Q)

You have to pick the Alternate (4th) variant for it to be a Q.

Stretching so it's prob nothing, but there are no coincidences kek


It's the Alternate (Assassins Creed) one.

I'm not able to verify this in the game at this time. I'm seeing evidence to the contrary (edit: which I was wrong about because I wasn't reading the symbols correctly), but I want to find the puzzle in the game which is Assassin's Creed 2.

I just ran across something that gave me chills that I want to dig into first.

Edit: Now about those chills.

Here is another pigpen cipher decoder. It decodes that angle character for Assassin's Creed II as Q.


Scroll all the away down and you will find a cipher key for "ascension".

This was the last word uttered by Q.


solarsavior 1 point ago +1 / -0

My last job at an outsourcing company was doing work for the US Federal Government (among other customers), so we were protected from non-citizens and those without green cards. Where I had to work with Indians, they were on shore, Americanized, and performed just as well as anyone else.

My wife does IT as well and works at a company where they have outsourced a lot of their stuff to a company in India. I have to listen to her complain almost every day about how much they suck. They can't get stuff done in MONTHS that she can do in hours. She's constantly having to deal with them because THEY JUST DON'T GET IT. She was asked to go to India to meet with them and did so, but nothing has changed. Her immediate boss made up an excuse about her mother and got out of going to India. They have dozens of bodies, but with less than a dozen of the right bodies they'd be able to get stuff done; like they used to.

solarsavior 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. I was in IT as well. (over 20 years) Lots of calls from Indian recruiters that I just hang up on. They can't speak English worth a damn (thus me simply hanging up) and you now if the company is only using Indian recruiters then they're likely to hire Indians. I did find a local job that I'd be well suited for and just applied to it. (I don't have to compete with "the world" for local jobs.) We shall see.

solarsavior 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, you're not alone. I've been out of work for almost 2 years now. I could probably find some bullshit job to do, but nothing in my chosen profession right now. Many have noticed that 2023 and 2024 have sucked under this Biden/Harris regime. Things are already changing with Trump coming; specifically the halting of DEI bullshit which hurts white men like me.

solarsavior 2 points ago +2 / -0

It has been discussed before, but it was so long ago I forgot about it. Thanks for posting.


Here is the post with the exact same graphic, but it was 2 years ago.



solarsavior 2 points ago +2 / -0

I almost spewed my coffee. Luckily, I expected the jpg to be that very meme so I was able to avoid it.

solarsavior 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can’t believe I didn’t learn this in school, but learned it some years ago as an adult.

Professor Richard Feynman on the biology of a tree.


TLDW: Trees come from the air. (from the carbon dioxide in the air) They don’t come from the ground. As I like to say now, “Trees COME from the air, they just grow IN the ground.”

solarsavior 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or they had control already

This thought ran through my head yesterday with respect to Facebook.

Some of this you likely know.


The LifeLog program was canceled on February 4th 2004 after criticism concerning the privacy implications of the system.[5][6]

(DARPA stands for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)


On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched "TheFacebook".[18]

Same day? Some have said it is the same project.

Now with the recent revelations that the government could go into a Facebook portal in order to flag "disinformation", etc. did the military capture all of that? We know The Plan precedes Trump.

Perhaps there is something similar with X (formerly Twitter)? Military had control all along.

solarsavior 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah, I looked back through my posts since then and I've never approached that.

I think a lot of people have moved on. I rarely see any "handshakes" anymore and when I do they're shills. In rare cases a "handshake" will come in and knock it out of the park with one of their comments.

People are fatigued and since you can't complain about it here they just go elsewhere. On one hand I understand why you can't complain here. On the other hand this is not the most supportive of places.

I'm spending more and more time on X, 9GAG, and YouTube rather than here.

Reminds me of this X post.


Things are happening, but they're just happening in slow motion. I understand why as it is damn hard to wake up some people. It still doesn't help some of us. My wife is asleep and she will never wake up until there are a ton of people hauled off to prison, public trials and executions, etc.

I am also reminded of this meme. Perhaps I need to buy one of these shirts.


solarsavior 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'll do that sometimes. When one of you catch my eye with a great post I will go look at your old posts.

solarsavior 5 points ago +5 / -0


Also, there are repeated references to the movie “Sneakers”. Do yourself a favor and watch it.

solarsavior 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is where I believe 33 comes from.

The Astronomy & Astrology of the Solar Hero Myth by Robin Heath


The astronomical truth is that the seasonal or solar year is 365.242199 days in length. The 33-year repeat cycle is therefore accurate to within 20 seconds, while our modern calendar is, each year, in error by over 11 minutes.

At the place where the observer would have stood in 2500 BC, was a standing stone - the backsite. Underneath it, and hidden from view, MacKie and Colonel Peter Gladwin discovered some 33 white smooth quartz pebbles, tightly packed together, suggesting that they were once held in a leather bag. There were 33 of these pebbles and they are now on display in the Kilmartin Museum, Argyll.

If you would like to know more, start here.


(though my username is based upon this belief, this is not my website)



solarsavior 24 points ago +25 / -1

For context and for the newbies, watch the first video. This is likely the greatest Q proof EVER.


Edit: Also.


solarsavior 3 points ago +5 / -2

Let’s be clear here. I DON’T GIVE A SHIT if you believe me or not. The OP posted without sauce, but rather than antagonize the OP, you antagonize me!? (for not providing a sauce) GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!

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