I was excited to click it and see for myself, I don’t care if my ip is logged or who knows I saw it. I thought I could handle it but just that little peek, seeing that poor child in lingerie made me almost throw up. I got very upset and when I walked in the door from the supermarket there was no hiding the look on my face from my wife. She wanted to know what was wrong and I told her. I’m 43 years old and I’ve seen some stuff but that hit me very hard. I know that was nothing compared to what’s coming out and I just want to share how it made me feel. I feel so angry. I feel shocked. I’m not naive, I know this goes on and much worse but I can’t get that little girls face out of my head. I wish I could save her but I know it’s too late.
Pray from trump, he can save us all.
it gets much darker and extremely disturbing.
It needs to be seen. Just like Holocaust. Otherwise there will forever be deniers.
I don't know the exact details, but there is a reason why Holocaust is not hidden from the public. They want people to know about it. That alone should raise flags.
Understand that we all grew up with that being the accepted story. Not many left who weren't adults during WW2. It's much harder to accept a known 'truth' is false than to accept the falsehoods of things that you witnessed. That being said, there is enough info out there to make the claim that the holocaust didn't happen. I've seen footage of Jews telling about their internment, and admitting it wasn't that bad. That's enough for me to question the narrative.
Yep, pictures are littered with fake identical mannequins, gas chamber is LOL.
People casually walking down the street with bodies littered everywhere. Millions of bodies carried upstairs to get cremated using a handful of crematulors.
If anybody believes in that shit, they need to wake their ass up.
Man made, deep state controlled war
Removed. Stay on Q pls.
oh brother...
You mean Schindler's List ?
Leave it to (((you))) to usurp the attention finally given to the children.
Ashkenazi Bankers will be exposed. Fear not.
More like Holodomor.