Out of the three days (6th, 7th, and 8th) he only deviated from the "pattern" 7 times. Twice on the 6th, three times on the 7th, and twice on the 8th.
On the 6th and the 8th, his two tweets that were off pattern occurred at the exact same time. He posted twice at 6:06 on the 6th, and twice at 3:01 on the 8th
Out of the three days (6th, 7th, and 8th) he only deviated from the "pattern" 7 times. Twice on the 6th, three times on the 7th, and twice on the 8th.
On the 6th and the 8th, his two tweets that were off pattern occurred at the exact same time. He posted twice at 6:06 on the 6th, and twice at 3:01 on the 8th