However, regarding communists and marxists, one of their key pillars is the ability to switch their core ideology. It will never stop changing and adapting - because the idea of "revolution" can never end, thus validating their atrocities in the eyes of the people and keeping them in power.
They do not care. Do you think marxists care for ideology? They care for power and control, whichever way this manifests. It was like this in the past and it persists today.
The ideology itself is just to inflame and direct large groups of people. ANTIFA, BLM, Eco-fascists. Now COVID-authoritarians...
Communism evolved through the 20th century. It adapted itself to reach more people. Gramscism. Post-modernism. They are new faces of an old ideology of control.
I'm a controls engineer, neither me nor many of my colleagues have any confidence in self-driving cars and knew it was only a matter of time before something like that Uber incident when an autonomous car ran over that pedestrian.
Wow - I love you. One of the BEST posts I've seen over the YEARS.
In fact, the technofascists believe they are better than everyone in that they can control speech, access, opportunity, membership and even "identity" (blue checks).
Evidenced by their push for digital ID, cashless, censorship, control of information, and tracking/surveillance.
These people truly believe they are gods with the right to make decisions in our "best interests." God created us as individuals with free will for a reason - and it isn't cede our free will to arrogant WBGs *wanna-be-gods.)
We must keep fighting - What's happening now is not about us - It's about making decisions that affect the future of every person on the planet. If we accept technofascism we are locking every generation going forward into an inescapable system of slavery. That it is not our right, and it is not God's plan.
Whatever they call themselves. Names don't matter. Watch what they do. I believe there are snakes disguising as all sort of people. The fitting name for them is Satanists.
You are very wrong. Communist is a charade, promising the utopia of the brotherhood of man, egalite et fraternite' but it is all a Satanic rouse. It is build on a fundemental lie about what it purports to be.
If marxism/communism is as you describe it they why are all communist regimes that greatest totalitarian technocratic regimes? which have killed 10s of million more people than Hitler and yet this is never condemned.
Communism is a modern technocratic form of feudalism.
In 1984 Orwell correctly identifies Communism under the name "oligarchic collectivism"
let's not start this again
exactly the point.
there's NEVER been any other kind of communism at the nation-state level than this satanic totalitarianism.
You are right.
However, regarding communists and marxists, one of their key pillars is the ability to switch their core ideology. It will never stop changing and adapting - because the idea of "revolution" can never end, thus validating their atrocities in the eyes of the people and keeping them in power.
They do not care. Do you think marxists care for ideology? They care for power and control, whichever way this manifests. It was like this in the past and it persists today.
The ideology itself is just to inflame and direct large groups of people. ANTIFA, BLM, Eco-fascists. Now COVID-authoritarians...
Communism evolved through the 20th century. It adapted itself to reach more people. Gramscism. Post-modernism. They are new faces of an old ideology of control.
I'm a controls engineer, neither me nor many of my colleagues have any confidence in self-driving cars and knew it was only a matter of time before something like that Uber incident when an autonomous car ran over that pedestrian.
Wow, we got engineers believing in Q? Hahahaha so much for the "only uneducated retards believe in Q" narrative.
Wow - I love you. One of the BEST posts I've seen over the YEARS.
Evidenced by their push for digital ID, cashless, censorship, control of information, and tracking/surveillance.
These people truly believe they are gods with the right to make decisions in our "best interests." God created us as individuals with free will for a reason - and it isn't cede our free will to arrogant WBGs *wanna-be-gods.)
We must keep fighting - What's happening now is not about us - It's about making decisions that affect the future of every person on the planet. If we accept technofascism we are locking every generation going forward into an inescapable system of slavery. That it is not our right, and it is not God's plan.
Whatever they call themselves. Names don't matter. Watch what they do. I believe there are snakes disguising as all sort of people. The fitting name for them is Satanists.
Marxists DO NOT believe in equality.
You are very wrong. Communist is a charade, promising the utopia of the brotherhood of man, egalite et fraternite' but it is all a Satanic rouse. It is build on a fundemental lie about what it purports to be.
If marxism/communism is as you describe it they why are all communist regimes that greatest totalitarian technocratic regimes? which have killed 10s of million more people than Hitler and yet this is never condemned.
Communism is a modern technocratic form of feudalism.
In 1984 Orwell correctly identifies Communism under the name "oligarchic collectivism"