my American brothers, rail against our asswipe Prime Minister and against the lockdowns and covid vacccines etc... Damned if I wasn't able to get a few views, subscribers but more importantly, many emails and comments of support from like minded new friends...
Well, after the Washington demonstrations on Wednesday, I haven't made a new video..... And I'm not too embarrassed to say because I became concerned that I might be banned from youtube... and that I was drawing attention to my "conservative, Christian view...... which isn't exactly popular with a lot of folks... lol
Starting tomorrow I'm putting as many videos together as I can! I'm going to continue to stand up and speak my mind to my fellow Canadians and whoever else might listen!
I'm going to stand tall for my children and grandchildren because I want them to have the same opportunities I had and to experience the same joys, and I want them to know that if they ever need to, they also can stand tall!
And also because, if I ever had a person stand in my face and tell me I didn't have the right to say what I wanted to, I'd kick them in the nuts, over and over and over again until I was able to assist them in changing their mind,,,
So, if youtube takes my videos down, I'll go to Rumble, Bitchute etc. Or I'll print them on paper and nail them to telephone poles and liberal foreheads! I'm not stopping! I've always felt that his is a fight between good and evil and when I die, I think I'll be able to take a little comfort in knowing that in this fight, I was on the right side.
Thanks for reading my rant and for letting me ease my conscience.
I have been thinking a lot lately about our charter of rights and freedoms and how our rights can be infringed in cases where it is "demonstrably justified" - What does "demonstrably justified" mean and how does that relate to lockdowns and masks. etc.
Are those things demonstrably justified? Especially if they don't work? How could they be?
Did you see what Pompeo Tweeted today?
Also check this out.
Champagne is the good guy. Freeland is the piece of shit. (but you and I already knew about that bitch anyway)
So am I.