Oops. Confusion. Was responding to the lamo comment above about him being a false prophet, and that his church website is all about money.
Sorry for the confusion. I really, really appreciate Steve C, and I think he's very worth paying attention to. Kinda chuffed that Gen Flynn tweeted out a pastor who lives 'down the road' in my own town.
My concern with Flynn, Trump, and Lin Wood is that they all claim the name of Christ, but they prop up false prophets who teach a false gospel.
What does the Bible say about false prophets who preach a false gospel?
His church website is all money
What a LOAD of BS. I know this guy's church. It's less than 40 minutes away from where I live.
It's TINY. You can fit about 120 people in there. So little focus on money, it's not funny! (Very humble, actually.) He's a great pastor.
Just saying.
So, are you suggesting that you have to pastor a mega church like Joel Osteen to hear from God?
Oops. Confusion. Was responding to the lamo comment above about him being a false prophet, and that his church website is all about money.
Sorry for the confusion. I really, really appreciate Steve C, and I think he's very worth paying attention to. Kinda chuffed that Gen Flynn tweeted out a pastor who lives 'down the road' in my own town.
(gonna edit the comment now to clarify)