Maybe the whole “disinformation” strategy is played by our side as well. Perhaps this news site is purposely being used to consistently publish outlandish stories so it isn’t considered reliable. And then when something DOES happen, it’s leaked to said “fake news site” so that it will be dismissed by the masses, but only people “in the know” will know the truth.
If MSM got the leak, think of the panic and chaos it will cause because the masses “trust” MSM.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you historically tell the truth, you can tell a lie and people will think it’s true (MSM). But if you historically lie, when you finally tell the truth people will dismiss it as a lie (this news site).
This is the first rational explanation I've seen of why it might be disinfo. Thank you for not acting like a douchebag like heaps of others are doing regarding this topic.
Just trying to be rational and think outside the box.
What got me thinking was “why would an accomplished lawyer like Lin spread this story from this kind of site??”
Then I remembered that scene from Men In Black where they look at the supermarket tabloids to get their alien info, and that’s what got me to this theory!
Nice tie in... I never would have thought about that, but strangely at the same time I was recently remembering as a child some 30-35 years ago about those types of magazines and how my Dad was like "those are trash" because I was always fascinated by them in the supermarket checkout (because that's where they put those weird rags) and I never once opened a single issue.
That random thought popped into my head again only days ago... and now we're getting the best news from the most backwater weird shit websites ever.
How many coincidences does it take before it becomes a mathematical impossibility? Or something?
and what is the benefit of telling the true so that only those in the know would know? Aren't they already in the know? Why post to those who already in the know?
And those who do not know, would consider it not true as those previous not true news.
It could be that they knew it was coming, just not when. Or maybe they knew when, and this is Lin’s way of getting the info out to those of us who will listen.
Remember, we should question everything. So I think some questions here are:
I have a theory...
Maybe the whole “disinformation” strategy is played by our side as well. Perhaps this news site is purposely being used to consistently publish outlandish stories so it isn’t considered reliable. And then when something DOES happen, it’s leaked to said “fake news site” so that it will be dismissed by the masses, but only people “in the know” will know the truth.
If MSM got the leak, think of the panic and chaos it will cause because the masses “trust” MSM.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you historically tell the truth, you can tell a lie and people will think it’s true (MSM). But if you historically lie, when you finally tell the truth people will dismiss it as a lie (this news site).
This is the first rational explanation I've seen of why it might be disinfo. Thank you for not acting like a douchebag like heaps of others are doing regarding this topic.
Just trying to be rational and think outside the box.
What got me thinking was “why would an accomplished lawyer like Lin spread this story from this kind of site??”
Then I remembered that scene from Men In Black where they look at the supermarket tabloids to get their alien info, and that’s what got me to this theory!
Nice tie in... I never would have thought about that, but strangely at the same time I was recently remembering as a child some 30-35 years ago about those types of magazines and how my Dad was like "those are trash" because I was always fascinated by them in the supermarket checkout (because that's where they put those weird rags) and I never once opened a single issue.
That random thought popped into my head again only days ago... and now we're getting the best news from the most backwater weird shit websites ever.
How many coincidences does it take before it becomes a mathematical impossibility? Or something?
and what is the benefit of telling the true so that only those in the know would know? Aren't they already in the know? Why post to those who already in the know? And those who do not know, would consider it not true as those previous not true news.
It could be that they knew it was coming, just not when. Or maybe they knew when, and this is Lin’s way of getting the info out to those of us who will listen.
Remember, we should question everything. So I think some questions here are:
Linn would spread a fake article for the same reson thousands of us pread the fake articles - hoping and wishing that some of them mght be true