Interesting post from 4chan. Why should a plane named "IDAHO76" (shortly after a plane named "NIGHT17" was sighted) begin to fly Qs around a literal swamp?

IDAHO from wiki
"Idaho" is a Shoshoni Indian exclamation. The word consists of three parts. The first is "Ee", which in English conveys the idea of "coming down". The second is "dah" which is the Shoshoni stem or root for both "sun" and "mountain". The third syllable, "how", denotes the exclamation and stands for the same thing in Shoshoni that the exclamation mark (!) does in English. The Shoshoni word is "Ee-dah-how", and the Indian thought thus conveyed when translated into English means, "Behold! the sun coming down the mountain!"
Apache has a similar sounding word that means "enemy"
We will be like the sun sweeping across the mountains against the enemy.
Our native warriors show us their resolve...
It’s like what Q and Trump were saying about the Light and the Dark!! The sun coming down the mountain! Mountains have giant shadows and the sun is the light!