I’m hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Wife and kids bugged out to safe house. Now my home is Fort Freedom. All based pedes are welcome.
Got the supplies, charged the batteries, Maga hat, check.
Maga hat no shirt and a shotgun come and get some. Guard dogs, check. These motherfuckers bark at everything.
Know which neighbors are Retired military, check. Not hard to figure out since they workout in the yard at night blasting classic rock and techno while they stay in fighting shape.
Tonight at my home I’ll have my friend and brother who helps me hold the line as I help him, and a guest who wants to wake back up but the certify made him lose hope. We’ll bring him back around and have him in fighting shape for this last round.
Those who voted trump and have just given up are not aware of the plan but they want to be. They are starting to ask the right questions as the tidal wave of information has started flowing.
They are not prepared for the storm even though we’ve called or written and said dude get water. They dozed back off into the matrix.
Get them on the phone. Better yet get them on FaceTime. Let them see the seriousness in your eyes when you tell them soldiers do not bitch or whine soldiers fucking hold the line and you’ll see the glimmer of hope return.
The glimmer in my eyes are the burning fires of holy god as I cast my laser focus on the motherfuckers who are finally in our grasp. We the People Are Now In Control. Panic motherfuckers you’re about to be judged. Sweet justice. Not by mobs of self appointed judges and juries like you sick on us, a court of law where the world will hear from your very mouths the crimes you are guilty of. From your fucking mouth.
I’m sure you’re reading this. You sick motherfuckers will never walk down the street again. You want to use my search history to determine my credit so you can see that I’ve been searching for the red pill you motherfuckers and you’re going to deny me some of you’re precious fucking imaginary money. I don’t want anything you have to offer.
We pay taxes in ways people don’t even realize. Tax on our honest HARD earned money yes, but also taxes on our soul. They are taxing our bodies and minds. How dare they? Because we let them. Not out of free will though. We let them because we were born into the matrix and we’re asleep. When we are at our most vulnerable as men we are sleeping in THEIR ARMS.
No more.
Rant over.
Got room?