Every single person that is part of the operation needs to be honored (in variable ways depending on involvement and mission) to the highest honor.
I really think the men and women that are and are going to be following through with these operations need to fully known and honored afterwards. This country, and the world will owe them a huge debt of gratitude of the likes we have never seen before.
I don't do this for fame or ego.
I do this because I love America, I love freedom, and through my hands, and through the hands of all fellow patriots, may His will be done.
Regardless, we erect monuments with the names of our honored dead. The least we can do for these Patriots, is honor them while they are living. It would also allow them to be remembered for posterity.
Maybe a Q-shaped building? The tail is the introduction and entrance/exit - the nation as it was founded (and refounded.) The oval can chronicle the path of evil on the inner circle and the concurrent actions/efforts of heroes on the outer circle. Inside the center can be specific memorials for those who gave their lives to bring this about - knowingly and unknowingly.
What do you think?
.....did you just come up with this??? nice... i like it..
Put it in the Garden of Heroes!
Yeah, top of my head and on my phone while grilling steak. ?