Every single person that is part of the operation needs to be honored (in variable ways depending on involvement and mission) to the highest honor.
I really think the men and women that are and are going to be following through with these operations need to fully known and honored afterwards. This country, and the world will owe them a huge debt of gratitude of the likes we have never seen before.
In a perfect world maybe but remember, the left is keeping the names of Trump supporters & staff and planning on following and sabotaging them to destroy future employment opportunities. Electing Trump again is only a small part of what needs to happen. We need to install a pro-American, anti-Socialist, anti-Communist, anti-Left agenda that takes root everywhere. That means every school, college, university, all media, all corporations, every federal, state, local government office. A big order that will take more than another 4 year term. We need our own 16 year plan to make it happen.