Today Pompeo tweeted at 30 minute intervals constantly.
There was a single exception when, 20 minutes into an interval, he retweeted an old post for 1 minute then un-retweeted it. Documented here REF-A
Now, some very specific proofs came as well today, documented here REF-B
In one of those Q drops, we see three lines. "Expand your thinking", "Think date vs Actual" and "Iran Next"... In REF-B we see the last two answered, but what is "expand your thinking"?
Well, search Q drops for 'expand your thinking' and see for yourself here ... there are A LOT of them and they almost all seem to reference a map, the map being the key, etc.
What was the tweet that pompeo retweeted for a minute then unretweeted? A map of flight paths of locusts... (See REF-A)
So what is this map, what is the key to the map, where are the bodies, and what is the keystone?
Please share any and all theories / progress in the comments below!
in programming, there is the concept of a hash...also known as a dictionary. the hash uses keys to "point" to a value. you can access the value by referencing the key.
also map is an iterative method in programming. iterative means basically to iterate over/ or loop over. the map method returns a new array..also known as a list.
you can use the MAP method to iterate over a database that uses a hash and reference the specific values based upon the KEY.
for example:
file_hash = { "file1" => 17, "file2" => 71, "file3" => "financial records" }
=> {"file1"=>17, "file2"=>71, "file3"=>"financial records"}
accessing the values of the hash using the keys, reversing the values, iterating via the MAP method and saving them to a new variable:
values_reversed = { |key, value| value.to_s.reverse}
=> ["71", "17", "sdrocer laicnanif"]
Might not be relevant, but just some food for thought in case it is not a physical map and key
well i didn't really use the keys, but they are still pointing to the values. you get my point i think