EllipticCurveBall 1 point ago +6 / -5

We have satellite photos of the entire globe… (let me guess, every single engineer that works on all of these, for any and every country with satellites, they’re all in on it?)

EllipticCurveBall 6 points ago +6 / -0

Found a clip of the storm quote

Does he say “I’ve been … ‘comm’ but I need the storm” lol


EllipticCurveBall 2 points ago +2 / -0

I almost scrolled away, this is fascinating though, glad I stuck through. Very strange indeed!

EllipticCurveBall 4 points ago +4 / -0

This isn’t true… assets like stocks legally belong to the customer, not the bank, they aren’t the bank’s assets, thus the bank’s creditors have no claim to them. This whole concept is built on a foundational lie. Also FDIC and SIPC will insure customers up to $750k total for currency + assets (this is federal liability, meaning they will print for this, the bank isn’t liable so no claim can be made for the assets for almost all accounts)

EllipticCurveBall 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s amazing that these guys don’t realize they’re being filmed. This woman was straight up asking interview style questions. 😂

EllipticCurveBall 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s not fake…… he just deleted it about an hour ago

EllipticCurveBall 1 point ago +3 / -2

I am frequently on Maui… there is no way this is true. The wind was not that strong that day, neither was the water… Lanai is SO far from Maui, it takes me half an hour to get to by motor boat, there is zero chance bodies would make it all the way over there, floating. Ridiculous.

EllipticCurveBall 0 points ago +3 / -3

Of course it's not true. Tens of Billions of dollars and tens of thousands of sovereign individuals are constantly researching and trying to cure cancer. It's not some conspiracy, there are WAY too many people involved. Contrarian thinking is useful when you have a covert tyrannical shadow government, but you can't just start blindly applying it to anything and everything, that's how you end up with flat earthers.

EllipticCurveBall 2 points ago +2 / -0

Praying for healing and comfort for both of you now, amen

EllipticCurveBall 2 points ago +2 / -0

He clearly wants the morons to go after Pence, to prove the double standard that Biden gets off scott free while Republicans don't. As of now people think the double standard is just "Trump" and Orange-Man-Bad regurgitators don't see the double standard. This is all part of awakening.

EllipticCurveBall 5 points ago +6 / -1

"This twitter account was verified by Elon Musk..."

It's just a paid blue checkmark, it costs like $10/mo — it says it if you click on it "This account is verified because it’s subscribed to Twitter Blue."

EllipticCurveBall 11 points ago +11 / -0

I program AI professionally—this is not how AI works.

This response it gave is an arbitrary response based on what a human online would plausibly write in relation to the query, it has nothing to do with a personal analysis of its own system or training data.

You can't use GPT's own answers as some sort of evidence for information beyond its own black-box. These answers are completely fabricated based on statistical weights. With the right input you could get it to respond the exact opposite way or even confess that its creator was a leprechaun.

Now, the point of this post is still valid, GPT was trained on general internet data, and the internet by and large is filled with younger people, and younger people do typically lean more left (and also have immature/ignorant political views, by definition).

EllipticCurveBall 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought this too, at the same time it's not too impossible to consider given Brazil's GDP. Here you'd need to pay each actor a few thousand dollars, over there it's probably just a $20

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