posted ago by RichyT ago by RichyT +34 / -1

Mike Pence as a youngster was a JFK Democrat, voted for Carter, but quickly became a complete follower of Ron Regan, started mainly with his economic policies and grew. From that time on until the present he has butted heads with just about every proposal the Left has endorsed. Passed many laws that the left fought hard against him over. He also butted heads with many moderate and liberal Republicans. As a Conservative radio showman, he was described as a "Rush Limbaugh-decaffeinated". There is much more to read about his pedigree, so It is hard to make sense of what he did at the vote Jan.6th. I am thinking that perhaps DJT wanted or knew that he would vote to confirm, so there wouldn't be any uncertainty about going to SCOTUS or results of the review. That would give DJT plenty enough time to do a Finishing Move before the Inauguration. At least I hope so.