Sadly, I know quite a few people that have no idea what is going on at all. How can you go through life so oblivious to not just world events but those happening in your own country? I’m dumbfounded.
Years of programming. School system is designed to actively suppress imagination, curiosity, etic., to make good little consumer sheep and factory workers.
Normies aren't paying attention to this sadly. My of my friends think I need to be put in a mental hospital lol. Thank goodness I have a BASED family.
Sadly, I know quite a few people that have no idea what is going on at all. How can you go through life so oblivious to not just world events but those happening in your own country? I’m dumbfounded.
Years of programming. School system is designed to actively suppress imagination, curiosity, etic., to make good little consumer sheep and factory workers.