posted ago by Kaizen ago by Kaizen +54 / -0

Nor am I well versed with Q. I only made this place my home after TDW got infiltrated with doomers. But I use all my energy in every waking minute and trust that Trump and his angels will deliver and beat evil. We will win but the war will never end, we must make a choice to sit and get comfortable. Or fight for what is right, for what we believe in, for our children and their children.

I am from Australia. I donate to those who spread the good word. I buy their products. I spread their message. and I am continue to find ways to take part in this battle in my everyday life. At work, at home, with my friends. Trump has changed my life. And Trump will win.

Thank you all, you are all wonderful people and I am extremely grateful to be here. WHAT A TIME TO BE FUCKING ALIVE!