Hello guys,
I'm going to try my best to convey the following information and give what I believe to be a realistic analysis of the recent events as they pertain to the election and what's to come.
Why didn't the courts take the voter fraud cases?
Well I think we all know why the lower courts didn't look at any of the evidence. They were either deep state or afraid to get involved with something of this magnitude. The supreme court; much of the same, as well as some court justices being worried about their reputation because it might appear to the American people that there was a conflict of interest if they sided with Trump. I know some people say damn the optics, but this is a very delicate situation and I truly think Trump is trying to win over the hearts and minds of the American people that are still asleep in such a way that leaves no room for doubt. The country cannot be left fractured the way that it is. I don't think that Trump expected the supreme court to take these cases or even really wanted them to at the time. None of the MSM was reporting on the state legislature hearings regarding the evidence. None of the normies/democrats were listening so he wanted the swamp creatures in the senate to certify the fraudulent votes on national television where everyone could see and now all of those people can be brought to trial a lot quicker instead of going through the tedious process of trying to link who to what through a myriad of cases and investigations (there was also too little time for this) because now everyone sees exactly who the perpetrators were from the top down.
Hot take on Pence. I don't think he betrayed Trump. It was a sting.
If you paid close attention to the senate electoral count and how Pence worded things, it was not how the states' votes are typically addressed during the electoral counting process. Look back through older voter certification processes. Here are a few examples.
2013: After ascertainment has been had that the certificates are authentic and correct in form, the tellers will count and make a list of the votes cast by the electors of the several States.
2017: : After ascertainment has been had that the certificates are authentic and correct in form, the tellers will count and make a list of the votes cast by the electors of the several States.
2021: After ascertaining that certificates are regular in form and authentic, the tellers will announce the votes cast by the electors for each state, beginning with Alabama, that the parliamentarian's advised me is the ONLY certificate of vote from that state that PURPORTS to be a return from that state that has annexed to it a certificate FROM AN AUTHORITY of that state PURPORTING to appoint or ascertain electors. Pence tactfully worded each address to each state in such a way to avoid introducing the rival slates of Trump electors as well as trying to absolve himself of any wrong doing because he knows this is treason.
"that the parliamentarian's advised me is the ONLY certificate of vote from that state" - Shift blame to the members of the senate as well as prevent the slates of Trump electors from being counted. This is what was intended since I strongly believe this was a sting.
Look at the use of the word "purports". That's significant when you actually think about the conventional definition of "purports". Purports - appear or claim to be or do something, especially falsely; profess. - I believe this is where he tries to absolve himself of wrong doing by wording it this way as to not conclusively endorse these counts himself. It will definitely be significant in a court of law when it comes to legalese and analyzing meaning and intent.
There was a moment after the certification where Pence was shaking hands with people and was handed some sort of gold coin by the same gentlemen that gave Mitch McConnell a weird hand signal during the hearing... That was very strange and could also be evidence of quid pro quo.
January 7th, just a day after the electoral votes were certified, Disclose.tv reported that Pelosi tried to call VP Pence to urge him to invoke the 25th amendment to impeach Trump. She was reportedly kept on hold for 25 minutes before she was told Pence would not take her call. (CNN) - Now if this is true, I think it's symbolic and the troll levels are over 9000. She had 25 minutes to let it sink in that'd she'd been duped. Think about it. If you honestly just screwed someone over on a deal, you'd likely leave immediately and would not reciprocate any form of communication. Pelosi also started going bat shit crazy (moreso than usual) trying to get the nuclear codes and coordinate with the military. That woman is terrified and as far as I know, no one has seen or heard from Pence. CNN had recently released some article saying the had a "source" that supposedly said Pence was thinking about invoking the 25th amendment. I highly doubt it.
The black outs.
If this is really going to happen, then I don't think it would be for very long. In my opinion, it would definitely be a good way to make everyone stop what they're doing and listen to what you have to say if there's supposed to be some big emergency broadcast. It could also be some military operation to tag and bag the criminals involved with the election fraud or more servers, etc. I personally think it's likely because the military isn't rolling in large diesel powered generators into D.C. because they look nice with the scenery. We'll see though!
Trump's executive order on the 8th and the memorandum.
The executive order and memorandum focused on departments of finance and energy and laid out who would take charge of various departments' roles in the event that the current heads of those departments resigned, died, or were otherwise unable to perform their duties. The swamp is large and it is deep my friends. This is unprecedented and unknown territory. If all of these people are really going to prison, there has to be someone to fill their roles if he's not getting rid of certain departments entirely. There were obviously senators and house members involved with this nonsense too. Who is going to fill their seats if they go to prison? How would that process even look? All of these things have to be fleshed out carefully and it's not going to happen in a matter of a couple of days. He's preparing for when he finally pulls the drain plug on the swamp and there has to be many people already in place to take over these responsibilities.
Trump's speech at the ellipse.
Trump said that shocking evidence would be revealed in the next two weeks and that our journey is only beginning. He said he would never concede or give up. I believe him, but I feel like some people are already forgetting his message. Trump has followed through on everything he's promised throughout his presidency and I have no reason to believe that he wouldn't now at this critical moment. I don't think he would suddenly send us all up shit creek without a paddle. No, there's other things in motion here. None of us know exactly what's going on inside the intelligence community or the exact details of how this is going to play out step by step until the very end. Trump is playing a game with these people on a chess board that we can't see. I understand the lack of transparency and communication is beyond frustrating and black pilling for some, but we mustn't despair. It's only been a handful of days and this coming week is going to be an emotional roller coaster for sure, so we have to mentally fortify ourselves, stop fighting with each other, don't lose sight of the plan, ignore the gloating of the left, and understand that we will be victorious in the end.
As for other conspiracy theories floating around right now, I'm going to reserve my thoughts on these at the moment until more empirical evidence comes out. For now, I will just treat them as noise. I thought the things listed above were the most important key factors so far. Also if you see any advertisements for meeting up in D.C., ignore them because it's a trap. Don't go to any event in D.C. unless Trump himself explicitly says to meet up there! Please let me know your thoughts.
Stay vigilant, stay strong, and godspede! :)
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