You guys are ripping on Alex for going after Q, he's never actually addressed the Q movements peak research just larpers. if Alex Jones was to admit Q was right all along, you will see the most rapid awakening of the working class patriots possible. He's admitted, if he sees arrests he'll admit he was wrong all along and praise the "Q LORDS" xD
Just as he said to steve pieczenik "you sound crazy right now but IF you're right you'll be my favorite person on the planet."
Alex Jones is in the mainstream narrative, he is the major bridge between deep web conspiracy and the normie right wing, his role must be played.
Alex has also admitted many times over the last few years that he's acknowledged trump is way smarter than him and Alex actually envys how effective trump is.
It wouldn't surprise me if Alex is either running a psyop for the Q team or having a psyop run on him by the Q team.
Just some thoughts <3
He is controlled opposition disinformation
What if he's just a man trying to find the truth as best he can without having a security clearance. The general public has no idea what Q is, the general public knows who alex jones is, he's exposed the satanic cult to more people than Q has regardless of how accurate it is, i wouldn't be so quick to dismiss him as an evil agent. nobody is perfect.
Q told us Alex was controlled opposition. Trump went on his show one time before the election and said he'd be hearing a lot more from him, etc. And then he never went back. Alex was left out flapping in the wind. Who is Alex's lawyer? Same as Bronfmans?
Trump asked Jones to lead the march on Capitol, he is close and he has sources inside Trump administration and also from Pentagon, FBI, CIA (the good guys), I think he is playing a disinfo game to confuse the Deep State, there are videos of Jones saying that he has confirmed info that Q is military operation and Patriots, he just started talking against Q after some time, as Q said DISINFO is necessary, Jones is a good guy, trust me
What a load! I used to follow Alex until he went all Paytriot. Trump needs him like he needs the tits on a bore hog.
Alex would be the perfect person to run disinfo, a few people Jerome Corsi for example are great friends with Alex and since not being on the show have become massive "Q fans".