Is Donald Trump sent by God to "save" America? To establish a "kingdom OF heaven". Will this new message encompass the whole world?
Who is the prophet that speaks of the 5th Kingdom (the "Stone Kingdom") whose message grows to encompass the world.
Probably Alexandra also warns of not trusting Q and Trump. The new future money system plays into this [NESARA / GESARA]. Also, two Beast of Revelation that rise up from the sea and the earth (respectfully).
Israel, one way or another will be a player. Jesus said (paraphrasing) ... your house is left empty until you say "Blessed Is He That Comes In The Name of the Lord".
Matthew 24:24
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Remember jesus is the way the truth and the life and none can get to the father except through him (john 14:6). Trump is not the messiah, if anything he has a high chance of being the false prophet or the antichrist.
That is precisely what im saying, he is being portrayed as a messiah to a hell of a lot of people, but we all know there is only one messiah, christ jesus.
Is Donald Trump sent by God to "save" America? To establish a "kingdom OF heaven". Will this new message encompass the whole world?
Who is the prophet that speaks of the 5th Kingdom (the "Stone Kingdom") whose message grows to encompass the world.
Probably Alexandra also warns of not trusting Q and Trump. The new future money system plays into this [NESARA / GESARA]. Also, two Beast of Revelation that rise up from the sea and the earth (respectfully).
Israel, one way or another will be a player. Jesus said (paraphrasing) ... your house is left empty until you say "Blessed Is He That Comes In The Name of the Lord".
We live in exciting times.
erm, respectively (sea & earth Beasts)
I think I understand. Obviously, Jesus is the only Messiah, but your point appears to be typology.
Matthew 24:24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Remember jesus is the way the truth and the life and none can get to the father except through him (john 14:6). Trump is not the messiah, if anything he has a high chance of being the false prophet or the antichrist.
That would be a kick to the nuts.
That is precisely what im saying, he is being portrayed as a messiah to a hell of a lot of people, but we all know there is only one messiah, christ jesus.