It would be so very funny if Pelosi is directly connected to the Antifa infiltration of the Trump rally and the invasion of the Capitol only to have military special forces use the event to seize her unguarded laptop.
I've been wondering... "how do you legally introduce evidence "... could her laptop being grabbed be how the world learns about what is on the laptop? Yes it was theft, but a misdemeanor grabbed laptop that gets leaked to the net is how info may be able to be disseminated... or am I way off.
Just think about it. If a regular Joe had the laptop, there would be leaks all over.
you are right about that one.....
naaa its not missing .....somebody knows where it is.........soon we will find out
It would be so very funny if Pelosi is directly connected to the Antifa infiltration of the Trump rally and the invasion of the Capitol only to have military special forces use the event to seize her unguarded laptop.
Fisa goes both ways.
I've been wondering... "how do you legally introduce evidence "... could her laptop being grabbed be how the world learns about what is on the laptop? Yes it was theft, but a misdemeanor grabbed laptop that gets leaked to the net is how info may be able to be disseminated... or am I way off.
Wasn't it Pelosi's aide who had the laptop taken?
Well as long as its not something important like her booze