Q has always emphasized our role in the MAGA movement. In any endeavor there are those things that we CAN control, and those things that we CANNOT control. “Trust the Plan” and “Enjoy the Show” refer to those things that we CANNOT control. It is out of our hands. For those things within our control, Q has been clear and concise:
Research: This requires us to tune out the MSM, to ‘open our eyes’ by paying closer attention, and more importantly, think for ourselves. To be the inquisitive skeptic. To be armed with the sword of truth.
Red-Pill Normies: If this is information warfare, true information is our weapon. A shadow war has been waged for decades and WWIII started years ago - it was just a different type of war. We are digital and informational soldiers (red-pilling is probably most effective irl).
Unite Good People: I think this requires a couple of things of us (perhaps the most important on the whole list): 1) that you develop yourself into a good person, hopefully the best version of you possible, and 2) that you help others develop themselves and unite behind our standard (God’s standard).
Sure I’ve missed some other good points. Please feel free to add.
Well said!! We need to repost this regularly to counter the seeds of doubt before they can take root. I know most "FUD posts" are probably shills, but if 1 in 10 are honestly just stressing with worry, that is part of our job -- the remind them to stand strong and keep the faith.
I am so freakin EXCITED it's hard to sit still. And I get impatient with friends who keep sending me doomer texts worried about impeachment, removal, yadda yadda. I am SO tempted to just cut them off and let them wallow in their lack of faith but this is MY JOB NOW. So I just keep sending them new vids, and reminding them that it is critical to keep in the higher frequencies of love, gratitude, mercy and compassion.
Q has always emphasized our role in the MAGA movement. In any endeavor there are those things that we CAN control, and those things that we CANNOT control. “Trust the Plan” and “Enjoy the Show” refer to those things that we CANNOT control. It is out of our hands. For those things within our control, Q has been clear and concise:
Research: This requires us to tune out the MSM, to ‘open our eyes’ by paying closer attention, and more importantly, think for ourselves. To be the inquisitive skeptic. To be armed with the sword of truth.
Red-Pill Normies: If this is information warfare, true information is our weapon. A shadow war has been waged for decades and WWIII started years ago - it was just a different type of war. We are digital and informational soldiers (red-pilling is probably most effective irl).
Unite Good People: I think this requires a couple of things of us (perhaps the most important on the whole list): 1) that you develop yourself into a good person, hopefully the best version of you possible, and 2) that you help others develop themselves and unite behind our standard (God’s standard).
Sure I’ve missed some other good points. Please feel free to add.
Well said!! We need to repost this regularly to counter the seeds of doubt before they can take root. I know most "FUD posts" are probably shills, but if 1 in 10 are honestly just stressing with worry, that is part of our job -- the remind them to stand strong and keep the faith.
Red pill booster.
Thanks fren
Thank YOU!!
I am so freakin EXCITED it's hard to sit still. And I get impatient with friends who keep sending me doomer texts worried about impeachment, removal, yadda yadda. I am SO tempted to just cut them off and let them wallow in their lack of faith but this is MY JOB NOW. So I just keep sending them new vids, and reminding them that it is critical to keep in the higher frequencies of love, gratitude, mercy and compassion.
I am so glad I found this board.
Turn your TV off.
Anyone who thought this would be a quick and easy fight has be delusional.
Our role is autistic digging and informing others. The military has this in their control--not our job.