Jan 11th, 1940 DC Time: Martial Law declared, Trump's last EO of this term is the transfer of control to the Military, tasking the Generals and Admirals to execute the war plans prepared for this scenario. US subject to military and sea law and to the Geneva Convention only. Military does whatever it takes to remove the Swamp. Operation completed by evening of the 16th or morning of the 17th. Trump might formally resign, but this won't be needed as the end of the existence of the current government will be part of the EO as well. The form of governance for the next days can be legally considered a junta.
Jan 17th (Q Day): Formation of the Provisional Government, either in the Capitol Building or in a Provisional Capital in the Midwest or in a military base, marking the beginning of return to civilian rule. This government will be formed by military personnel and Trump Loyalists (Pompeo, Wood, Pence if he turns out to not be a traitor). Either a General (like Pinochet did), Trump or one of the civilians becomes Chairman of the Provisional Government or perhaps Acting President. Full CiC powers, most things a President can do but not yet President because no election yet. Basically a role similar to Pelosi if both Trump and Pence would have been killed or resigned or became incapacitated.
February: Contingent Election, either a normal competitive election, a simple confirmation vote for a pair of two members of the Provisional Government, most probably Trump-Pompeo or Trump-Flynn, but Trump also might choose to "ride off into the sunset", perhaps his task was only the setup during those 4 years. He might retire to Florida, stay as a Honorary Member for Life of the Provisional Government and the following Government and consult it and serve as a tie-breaker, or he might, as most people and also I think, become President-Elect.
March 4th, 1200 DC Time: The first President of the Restored Republic takes the Oath of Office, the Provisional Government ceases to exist and America is legally returned to a state like in the early 20th century, with necessary laws that have been taken later such as the Civil Rights Act having been "grandfathered in" by the Provisional Government. Or perhaps an entirely new Constitution written by the Provisional Government, confirmed by a referendum parallel to the Contingent Election.
As both the Dems and the GOP will probably be ousted as criminal organizations and only a select few of loyalists free of all crimes will be allowed to stay in politics, we might, at least in the initial period, observe partyless politics, with all politicians working towards the common goal of Reconstruction, Liberation (of other parts of the world), Declassification (of suppressed technologies, ET, possibly leading to formal First Contact)) and so on.
Basically the US was in a bad situation financially after the civil war. Bankers pulled some tricks to create a corporation to run the country, which they loaned money to and were paid interest on those loans (basically, the FED).
Getting rid of the FED, getting rid of the US corporation, returning our currency to a gold standard and restoring the original republic has been a goal for a lot of people, for a long time now. Some of those things might be happening as part of the process of getting rid of the deep state - that is still unknown.
Thanks for taking the time to respond! I've been deep diving into everything I can before any of the .Win domains are cut off.
Yes, my understanding is the federal reserve is actually a corporation, not a govt agency. Prints $ and gives it out without actual value, then receives back plus interest. Quite the racket.