posted ago by SuperSexyTime ago by SuperSexyTime +33 / -1

Hey Guys,

Myself and a small team are currently creating a Super Pac where donors will have the option to vote how they believe the money should be spent. The more money you donate the more powerful your vote will be. Where the money goes will be posted on the PAC website.

It is my goal to allow people like us to only support those whom we seem fit. The PAC will NOT support any of the GOP swamp monsters. We will only campaign for politicians that have shown themselves as upstanding Americans and true patriots.

Currently, republican PACs use our money to campaign for corrupt officials and I want to stop that. I truly believe that this could be a revolutionary idea if done right, which is why I need help!

If you are interested and have web development or law experience, we use telegram to communicate as of now. You can find me there as @hyperjammer

If you are interested and don't have or cant download telegram, leave a comment below, and ill figure out ways to reach you!

If this idea is fleshed out like how I envision it we will all benefit greatly. I am however sorry that this is not specifically Q-related, this will be the only time I post this because I disagree with spamming and self-promotion shilling.

(edit) I have seen your comments and want to thank everyone for giving their input. Obviously, the idea will transform and evolve over time, the end goal still remains the same. We want to get our voices heard by politicians. If you have ideas on how we can achieve this end goal shoot me an email redpilledpatriots@gmail.com or add me on telegram.