posted ago by greeneggsnham ago by greeneggsnham +63 / -0

I'm still new to Q (stumbled upon this 2 weeks ago) and I'm an evangelical non-charismatic Christian—a layperson with probably above average Bible knowledge. I'd like to share my perspective of possible logical conclusions if this Q stuff ends up being true in relation to an everyday Christian (like me).

1-liner conclusion

We, Christians, will believe the Bible to be even more true if this Q stuff ends up being true.

Long answer conclusion

First to give you my assumptions of Q in a summary:

Q is a US Military Operation. Behind this Military Operation is actually God working in a significant capacity. Spiritual warfare is also a significant part of this. This spiritual part is inferred from what JFK said about the reason for Special Ops.

In the end of this Q chapter that we're in (~early 2021), the general whole world population will come to the realization of:

  • the wickedness that we've been ignorant of in the world.
  • the general liberation of victims and the world of that wickedness.
  • the nearness of the spiritual world that is so much closer than we normally thought.
  • the prophetic-like manner of Q-drops and the precision and fulfillment.
  • the lies of the world (Gov't, MSM, religious leaders [wolves in sheep clothing]).
  • the likely disruption to the global financial system due to the realization of corruption and the legal consequences of nations, corporations and individuals taking part of corruption.

Therefore, if this Q stuff is true, here are my theorized conclusions:

..Possible Conclusion 1: The Church will be emboldened to declare the gospel. Did someone say, Revival?

I predict that the Church will be emboldened to declare the gospel and that this revival will both be in numbers of people coming to Christ and in the holiness in each individual Christian's life. I think there is a potential for a general world-wide moral revival based off of the disgust of the wickedness exposed.

When I write 'revival', I believe the intensity of it will be 1,000x more than what we picture when we think of revival right now. God tends to work in unexpected ways. Master strategist.

Although we know the truths of the Bible, we still come up with excuses not to do what is right. Right now, we are not emboldened for the winning of souls who do not know the gospel of Jesus Christ. Due to the whole world realization mentioned in the bullet points above, 90% of the reasons why we don't "soul-win" right now will be gone.

Current reasons for not soul-winning:

  • Fear of what others will think of you. Dismissed because everyone's world-view will be shattered and will be looking for a new world-view to help them make sense of the world. MSM and current world narrative = SHATTERED.
  • Lack of faith in God. Dismissed because the prophecy-like manner of Q-drops and the precision of fulfillment will empower the Christian to realize the power of prophecy in the Bible i.e. Historical Prophecy and Fulfillment in JC and prophecy of the end times that have yet to be fulfilled.
  • Other priorities. Dismissed because, I predict something BIG is going to happen to money that will make us realize the futility of garnering up treasures on earth.
  • Winning Catholics. My own thinking is that Catholicism and evangelical Christianity is close, yet so far. As a generalization, my basic understanding is:

Catholics believe ultimate truth = Catholic Church teachings + Bible.

Evangelical Christians believe ultimate truth = Bible.

If the Catholic Church is revealed to be vile and disgusting, I believe Catholics would be more ready to be won over.

..Possible Conclusion 2: Clearer interpretation of Biblical eschatology.

Note: I am NOT learned in eschatology at all. Very basic knowledge of this. I wouldn't be able to give you a timeline nor passage nor give you an overview of different valid Christian points of view. I'd also prefer the discussion to go more towards talking about the practical every-day implications rather than Biblical eschatology since I live in the present and truly am more interested in the present day-to-day life. :P

.....2a: NWO and Anti-Christ.

It may be that the peace in the end times for which the Anti-Christ will be part of is actually legitimate peace that was God-allowed and brought forth by the good-guys. The new world order might not be the NWO started by nefarious villains, but rather a new world order started by the good-guys that later gets perverted and the Anti-Christ rises from that. This goes the same for money.

.....2b: Third Temple.

I don't believe the Third Temple has been built yet (this is my father-in-law's belief. I don't study enough so I'll take his view). If it is to-be built, it may occur soon. As more and more peace deals are worked out between Israel and other nations, the Third Temple could be built at the proper place WITH THE PROPER MONEY. I remember an elder in my church talking about "following the vessels". In the Old Testament and early history, you follow the vessels (i.e. temple treasures) and determine whether they're with Israel or not--that's the general direction God is working. Don-cha-think money is going to be siezed from countries, entities, people from this? I heard the Rom Catholic Church has lots of it. I think I heard Romans plundered the temple/Israel in the early AD (I could be wrong on this).

Ironically, the supposed key player involved in this Q thing is named Ezra. And the guy with a PHD in math who, supposedly, reverse engineered what the DVS was doing is named Edward Solomon. Check out his YouTube—he live-streamed his analytical process so it shows his work from scratch.

Haha. Names matter.

..Possible Conclusion 3: More evidence of God's Character

.....3a: God's love, mercy and grace.

I always, up to 2 weeks ago, held the view that things will go bad—worse and worse—then the Church will be raptured, then the tribulation. Let's not talk about pre-trib, post-trib here, millennial kingdom stuff here.

The more important thing is: If great revival occurs--this honestly gives almost EVERYONE a chance to come to know Christ prior to the 7 year tribulation (if you hold the pre-trib view). And this ability to broadcast this message becomes more and more possible as technology advances and as global adoption of this technology occurs. Perhaps the time is now?

.....3b: God—the ultimate comedian.

I have this view of God that he's the ultimate comedian. My favorite form of comedy is irony. Think of all the ironies about this Q stuff. There are 1000s and probably more. Someone should start a thread on that.

God is also the ultimate troll! Think about it.

.....3c: God—the ultimate strategist.

I've also pondered: If God is behind this… Why did it start on an underground message board? I think the reason is due to the target audience. It's a commission to the age-group that can most relate to receiving information from internet message boards. The general target audience is not the ~70-90 year-old grandmas and grandpas. I believe the target audience is approx. the ~12-50 year-olds who would be familiar in getting info from message boards to bring the gospel to this generation. The 12-50 year-olds are the type of people who understand this.

You can also tell how this Q strategy is so spectacular. It's literally the most thrilling ride I've been on and brilliant thing I've experienced… ever! P.S. Q is not God

The state of the church now also makes sense with its many denominations. Some people say:

"If the church is to be one, why are there so many different denominations?"

I believe the answer now is to equip her to fight false prophets and false teaching. Think of the US Constitution and the different branches of government. The separation is there for the checks and balances for a more perfect union—the framers knew it wasn't going to be perfect. Apply the same to the church. Different denominations are there for the checks and balances for a more perfect union.

I also believe the ability for the Church to discern and fight false prophets and false teachings will be elevated even more as the spiritual world becomes more of a reality to our physical world. Many will be deceived.

Thanks for reading my write-up and would be happy to know your thoughts. I'd prefer a bit less on the eschatology and more re: practical implications but you are all free to share what you share. I'm sure I got some facts wrong and I'm also not American. I'm a Canadian rooting for you guys!

This is a part 2 since I did a write-up of other initial observations here: https://greatawakening.win/p/11RhOxc8Q7/believing-q-while-being-an-evang/

Of course, this Q stuff can all end up being a massive lie and rather, the ultimate LARP ever done. Which would be disappointing, but wouldn't shake my faith one bit.

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