what the fuck. reminds me of a video I saw in the beginning of my digging. sounded like podesta was dark and had him yelling at a young boy saying I am your daddy now. I dont know what the video was, but it will be forever in my mind. I could hear what he meant by his voice and feel the boy's terror by his voice.. Nothing was shown thankfully, I dont want to see it. I remember crying as I watched it.
what the fuck. reminds me of a video I saw in the beginning of my digging. sounded like podesta was dark and had him yelling at a young boy saying I am your daddy now. I dont know what the video was, but it will be forever in my mind. I could hear what he meant by his voice and feel the boy's terror by his voice.. Nothing was shown thankfully, I dont want to see it. I remember crying as I watched it.