I must apologize for foolishly buying into the IA signed story - here we go hype. I had just seen Monkey Werx 1-10-20 sitrep and a couple of other videos of preachers reporting their source in D.C. had revealed it to them.Then after hearing from my son, I got more excited and posted here about NG being in LA and telling him Martial Law was coming, which was the true. None of my boys lie, that's how I raised them and they love and respect me enough not to do that. I'll do my best to keep my lid from flying off again.
Forgive me guys. I was wrong and hopefully the lesson has been learned.
I'm doing my best to "just enjoy the movie" but I, like many others am really ready and anxiously waiting for EAS verification.
A new administration with no more rats. “Fuckin’ rats!”
"There were rats, dad."