Amid the continuing fallout from last week’s deadly siege on the U.S. Capitol, Democrats are forging ahead with legislation to remove Republican lawmakers for inciting the riot.
We put 2 officers on leave 1 for opening the gates and waving in the insurrectionists and amidst the chaos 1 officer took a selfie with the MAGA terrorist!
HEADLINE: ‘What is the 14th Amendment? Congress mulls legislation to remove those who 'engaged in insurrection'
There’s that ol’ 14th Amendment thing again.. hm. ?
I like the use of the word ‘siege’. Police opening a barricade to escort people in.
We put 2 officers on leave 1 for opening the gates and waving in the insurrectionists and amidst the chaos 1 officer took a selfie with the MAGA terrorist!
What a fucking joke ???
That image they use is hilarious! hahaha
I'm no image expert but that shit looks fake
I don't know, best to report it as accurate until we know more - The Media
I'm surprised they didn't include a noose and gallows in that creation.
I quit using yahoo once they banned comments about month before the election when Twitter and facebook decided what you could think
Yahoo only prints stuff more outrageous than CNN
Yahoo is for yahoos.
I legit saw a crippled guy with a cane hobbling around.