68 Can you change the EAS ringtone? posted 4 years ago by killacommieforyourmo 4 years ago by killacommieforyourmo +68 / -0 I'd like to change it to riders on the storm. 7 comments share 7 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I'd choose..Shadilay
Haha this would be awesome. If this IS possible please set up some tutorials for several phone types!
I hope trump names it the T-E-A. Trump emergency announcement :)
He referenced this term a few times in his early twitter days referring to Obama’s tax plan but it would def work.
I bet the old Red Alert song ( https://youtu.be/6iOjLh98Deo ) is playing through all the Dems heads atm. Good Rif to this old classic
Literally would defeat the purpose. The alert sound is to be uniform to amplify its volume to increase it being attended to...including the annoying tone.