Alright guys,
So one of the questions I've heard that I thought was a really good one was how could the deep state actors not see all of these traps being laid out by Trump and why wouldn't they just play around them? I mean the executive orders are there out in the open.They control all the media and social media platforms etc. Average folks have theorized and figured it out online what some of the next steps for the plan could be. Surely these high level officials in the house and senate could see the writing on the wall too, especially with the help of intelligence agencies lurking around, right? How could they possibly let themselves get arrested so easily?
Welp, just a few things to start off with. The plan for agenda 21 has been in motion since the 80s and we've had nothing but establishment presidents since then that have played by the script, with the exception of Trump. Trump was an anomaly that was not supposed to happen. Yes, these deep state actors are smart and shrewd, but keep in mind, they are also very arrogant and overconfident in some cases. That was the beginning of their downfall. They mocked Trump when he ran in 2015 and only really started thinking "Oh shit" when they saw he was winning, but by then it was too late to try and steal that election. I don't even know if Hammer and Score Card had been sold to the Chinese at that time..
Circling back to agenda 21. The swamp creatures involved with this have been lying to the American people for years. Stealing from us, accumulating assets illegally in foreign countries, as well as selling ours out to China and others, making deals that perpetually fuck us and the list goes on. Even if they knew that Trump's administration has caught them dead to rights and they're likely going to pound you in the ass prison, they cannot change course now and just try to jump ship on the original plan. They're indebted to some seriously evil, and scumbag people overseas as well as here that will kill them if they don't get their ROI. Hell, they're looking at death either way for committing treason if they fail. It is imperative to them to figure out a plan that results in their victory or else they die.
I've heard that Trump might be speaking on the 12th or 13th and I personally think that if we hear from him, he will likely speak vaguely about what's to come, condemn the "riot" on the 6th, and remind everyone about America First, something along those lines.. I don't think he's going to play his whole hand just yet, but those are just my thoughts. I could be dead ass wrong and turns out we get our hair lines blown back tomorrow with some MOABS. Would be nice, right? But I think he's just going to speak to reassure us in a way since everyone's been worried, but not give any tells away to the swamp creatures. So don't doom if there's no MOAB just yet! Things are in motion.
FALSE FLAG 17th or 19th?!
Heard this stuff floating around too about some false flag that might happen on the 17th or 19th. Obviously we smart pedes know the stay the hell away from D.C. while this nonsense is going down.
You really have to admire what a tactical genius Trump is in these scenarios because this is going to end so HORRIBLY for the left. I think Trump knew there would be antifa at the rally on the 6th. I think he also knew some people might get roughed up for this reason.. I don't think he expected or wanted anyone to die. That was very unfortunate.. We now know there were special forces among the rally and it's speculated that these people snatched Nancy's laptop and maybe others and now the left wing shills are losing their marbles. The rally was the perfect cover and he used the ruckus that antifa created to his advantage.
If the left truly is planning this false flag where they send hundreds of antifa members to the capital dressed as Trump supporters, then they are beyond desperate at this point and are giving it their last hail marry and seeing where the chips land. I think they'll try to improvise depending on how this theatrical display is received by the public, but I can assure you, all optical outcomes are god fucking awful for them.
The left has been pushing this dumb narrative that Trump supporters and libertarians get the white glove treatment by the cops and Antifa/BLM are unjustly targeted blah blah blah. Welp, how's it going to look to the nation if hundreds of Antifa-tards dressed as Trump supporters get mowed down by the military next Sunday? It would be like our own Tiananmen square massacre. The deep state would've just handily destroyed their own stupid race narratives about police and martyred hundreds of Trump supporters all in one go! This would be very horrifying and red pilling for a lot more people. Nothing of that magnitude has ever happened to antifa or BLM.
MSM would be forced into a very awkward situation reporting on this. It just appeared to everyone that a bunch of Trump supporters inciting riots got swiss cheesed by the military and obviously the left doesn't want to spin the story as if they're martyrs, but the only way I see that being avoided is if they admit it was antifa and not Trump supporters. Making martyrs out of them could lead to more unification between the two parties and that's counterproductive for the swamp. Admitting it was antifa helps expose the deep state and is also a red pill. Looks like a catch 22 to me.
This could be a real litmus test for the left's base. The only option that could POSSIBLY work, and this would truly reveal how repulsive these people are, is if they cheer on the deaths of what appear to be Trump supporters. "Yes! Look at those evil Nazi's get ironed out! They deserved it because they're evil Nazis!" The MSM might report on it this way banking on their base to be thoroughly demoralized at this point and to double down on this narrative. Or it just backfires horribly and liberals end up watching CNN slack-jawed in horror. I'm leaning towards the latter but who the hell knows with these nut jobs these days?
Either way, these people are terrified. Look how calm Trump is and everyone from his administration. Look how calm Mike Pompeo is while all of this is going on. The only people we see pulling their hair out and making spectacles of themselves on tv in a bad way, is the left. This is very telling and everyone should take comfort in it whenever they see it. Only people who've been caught in a very bad lie and have everything to lose act like this. :)
My brain hurts now, but please let me know your thoughts!
We will be victorious!
I don't see why they have to be the same. Wasi there 2 Q posts about it?