This should be spam sent to people like faggot Bannon. These RINOs and conservative-lites all believe in some kind of future if Trump was to let Biden win.
Lmfao good luck with that. These people do not want us in this Country. They will not reconcile with us. IF you are okay with your family going into "enlightenment" camps so be it. Puss out and go jerk off in the corner. Meanwhile actual patriots are fighting to keep this Nation and World from falling to people that ideas like this in their head.
You said it right MichiganMAGAMan!
I will not reconcile with them either. The DS is already threatening us all with this re-education crap.
They've also got lists, and we are on them. I've got a 12 guage, come at me libs.
They openly say these things. AOC on twitter has said things like this. The idea is in their heads. They won't be satisfied until they bend our will and control the way we think.
The people like you who have at least mentally prepared for this will be fine. I know how to protect myself and my family, and I have the means. God hopes it doesn't come to anything like that. But these people clearly despise us with every fiber of their being. We are hardly human in their eyes. That is a scary thought. What kind of things can you get away with consciously if you believe something to be a lesser creature.
This should be spam sent to people like faggot Bannon. These RINOs and conservative-lites all believe in some kind of future if Trump was to let Biden win.
Lmfao good luck with that. These people do not want us in this Country. They will not reconcile with us. IF you are okay with your family going into "enlightenment" camps so be it. Puss out and go jerk off in the corner. Meanwhile actual patriots are fighting to keep this Nation and World from falling to people that ideas like this in their head.
You said it right MichiganMAGAMan! I will not reconcile with them either. The DS is already threatening us all with this re-education crap. They've also got lists, and we are on them. I've got a 12 guage, come at me libs.
They openly say these things. AOC on twitter has said things like this. The idea is in their heads. They won't be satisfied until they bend our will and control the way we think.
The people like you who have at least mentally prepared for this will be fine. I know how to protect myself and my family, and I have the means. God hopes it doesn't come to anything like that. But these people clearly despise us with every fiber of their being. We are hardly human in their eyes. That is a scary thought. What kind of things can you get away with consciously if you believe something to be a lesser creature.
NO ONE is taking my kids! Another reason I am homeschooling them this year! Best decision I ever made!!
Sent this to a liberal friend of mine who I have been trying to convince that the media is not telling the truth...
He's actually trying to defend this guy. Lord help us.
Fucking pos
Dude's been fired! Yes! Thank you project Veritas!
Tried this post over at TDW. No joy on this asshole's email address:
Anyone have contact information for this gem of a guy?
I'm a lawyer too, took the same oath he did, practice under the same ethical canons ... and, well ... I have some questions for him.
Don't DOX anybody here. Don't even suggest it.
I'm sure you were talking about Minecraft, RIGHT?
I was looking for publicly available information I didn't have time to look for.
Finding someone's listed office number, especially when they're counsel to a publicly funded media company, isn't anywhere near doxxing.