posted ago by Physics76 ago by Physics76 +48 / -1

This goes back to the .. Trust but Verify ..
To me this means that Q (or the Q group) will never contact anyone to say post this in his (their) name, or Q told me to say (X) ..
There will never be an official Q twitter (or now gab) ..
Why are we discounting the info coming out now from whatever source, we all know that it has been ~35 days since there was a legit Q post, there may never be another Q post on 8kun.
The Pompeo posts on twitter are giving count downs, people in the MIL will tell their friend what they know (as permitted).
And Trump doesn't have to tell us that He signed the IA. Look at the build up in DC, all for a supposed "Virtual" inauguration for PedoJoe.
Where is Nancy, 2nd day she has been MIA from House, Why ?
Shit is happening , I can feel it, at this point we are all bakers, we can put the clues together without Q pointing the way.

We are all Robert Paulson....
We are all Ashli Babbitt....
We are all Q...

God speed Patriots