He may write about a lot of correct things, and grift off of it. I have watched this guy claim his “sources” say this and that for years and come up wrong every single time.
He supposedly after trumps election tried to send trump all this information about his open source everything engineering idea he had that he wanted to get to the president. Either he was full of shit or trump ignored him. It was either that or he wanted some shit done to unrig the election that trump ignored. It was a few years back, as far as I can tell this guy has no access to trump, trump ignores him, and his sources suck. Make of that what you will.
I don’t trust any of these YouTube/livestream fucks that tell me “my sources say”. Especially an ex CIA spy. Your best bet for anything related to Q is to go to the actual Qresearch board, and wade through the bullshit for solid info. Don’t put to much stock into any of these people.
5 minutes of grifting with Robert David Steele and Charlie Ward
Steele is anti Q. Ward is associated with Parkes who is pushing disinfo.
He may write about a lot of correct things, and grift off of it. I have watched this guy claim his “sources” say this and that for years and come up wrong every single time. He supposedly after trumps election tried to send trump all this information about his open source everything engineering idea he had that he wanted to get to the president. Either he was full of shit or trump ignored him. It was either that or he wanted some shit done to unrig the election that trump ignored. It was a few years back, as far as I can tell this guy has no access to trump, trump ignores him, and his sources suck. Make of that what you will.
I don’t trust any of these YouTube/livestream fucks that tell me “my sources say”. Especially an ex CIA spy. Your best bet for anything related to Q is to go to the actual Qresearch board, and wade through the bullshit for solid info. Don’t put to much stock into any of these people.