I am new to Q (2 weeks) and a evangelical non-charismatic Christian--a layperson with above average Bible knowledge.
I have been pondering this Q stuff in relation to my understanding of the Bible and I've shared my thoughts over these threads:
Part 3: The Q story and Biblical Parallels
Part 2: Logical Conclusions via Christian world-view
Part 1: Initial discernment re: Q and Christian beliefs
I want to share what I think is the ultimate conclusion to all this Q stuff:
Ultimate Conclusion
If you don't understand Q, you don't understand the world.
If you don't understand the Bible, you don't understand Q.
If you don't understand God, you don't understand the Bible.
If you don't understand the world, you don't understand God.
Therefore, I submit to you my utter realization of what I think of Q:
I believe Q is led by the Holy Spirit! Think about it.
I'm not claiming Q is God. I'm saying Q is led by God, the Holy Spirit.
Please UP VOTE the thread and comment with your thoughts if you like this!
Checkout my other threads and upvote too!
I know there are Q supporters out there who do not hold the same Christian beliefs. This thread is not meant for you as a target audience, but you are also welcome to share.
Please remember the greatawakening.win rules as you're commenting. Notably, keeping discussion focused with Q subject area in mind and to share respectfully and civilly for the purpose of expanding our thinking.
Let's not put down others who hold different beliefs.
Edit 1/13/21: I recognize that the 'Ultimate Conclusion' that I presented, if used as an argument, is circular reasoning which of itself is a logical fallacy. I am not learned in philosophy, cognitive science, psychology, etc. However, my position is not to use that as a proof for an arument, but that--that in and of itself is the conclusion of all this Q stuff. It is not a logical proof. Neither do I think you can come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ strictly through logic alone.
This next part of could be way off... But I think if the 'ultimate conclusion' is true, then I think the reason why the letter 'Q' is used is because the 'ultimate conclusion' itself is circular reasoning. Therefore, for anyone to come to an understanding of that conclusion, it would require an external force to inject the person into that circular-reasoning conclusion. The injection is represented by the 'line' being injected into the 'circle' to make a 'Q'. Therefore, in order to understand this conclusion, an external force must inject you into this understanding (like God himself 'quickening' you). Therefore, this might be the true meaning--from my evangelical Christian perspective--of the Great Awakening.
Of course, I may be deluded and overthinking this which I probably am. But it does tickle your mind, doesn't it?
Okay, one little disagreement. I don't buy. "If you don't understand the world, you don't understand God"
Kind of reminds me of Satan talking to Eve. You will be like God knowing good and evil. We do not need to know evil to know God.
I am assuming you did not mean it that way. According to the bible everything was created 6 thousand years ago. Everything was created in 6 days. 2 Peter 3:8 says A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. On the 7th day God rested. Are we about to enter the corresponding 1000 years of rest? Revelation 20 may talk about this. It says 20 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. 2 And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, 3 and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer ..
I would say Satan has been deceiving the nations and that may be coming to an end.
I have heard about it but never actually read it. I will take a look to see what it has to say. Thanks
Thanks for your input. I think in evangelicalism, you and I hold very similar beliefs. I can't comment on eschatology since I have not studied that.
I think our disagreement might be in miscommunication/misinterpretation of what I meant by 'understand the world'.
By the words 'understand the world', I meant the 'understanding of the world' that is brought to you through the Holy Spirit, based on the truth of the Word of God, and that truth is more fully understood as you understand the character of God more and more.
Check the four lines out. It's a full circle.
No problem. Most people assume when the bible talks about the world it is the same thing as talking about the earth. They are two different things. The earth was created by God. In genesis He said it was good. Our sin did not make it bad. The world was created by Man.(worldview-what we believe is real) The Bible speaks about the world coming to an end. It never speaks about the Earth coming to an end. My statement was from that point of view.
Oh yeah, totally. I get it. Nope--I didn't mean the earth.
I meant 'the world' as how the Bible typically refers to it.