Son has a liberal nut job liberal teacher. Spends half the class on 'orange man bad'. Now the cunt sent home an assignment to talk about an article some black nut wrote about 'orange man bad and all his supporters are terrorists". Talks about president Trump inciting violence, how MAGA is a terrorist group and how all Trump supporters are violent and traitors to the country.
I want to go to the school principal, but the cunt will fail my son. God damn fuck.
He had a teacher a few years ago, cool lady, she did things her way and actually quit because of all the BS the school board wanted her to push. I am calmed down but still pissed off. Told the son to write atleast that it was antifa in the crowd that was the violent ones and that maga just wanted a fair election, might squeeze in that violent antifa riots like that took over the country last summer are bad.....
He asked me not to complain to the teacher and hey, i ant a crazy liberal so thats that I guess.