That's it boys, go for it! Blame and finger wag at the Q people. Demean and call them dumb. Call to deport and ban them .let the lefts hate for you manifest in going after and tearing the Q's apart. . Join in the lefts authoritarian ideology. Sink to their level. It'll make ya feel better. Do it! Feels good man..
Ya shitheads. We are all full of conspiracies so shut the hell up and stop being hypocrites. You can't blame anyone for believing in crazy shit these days. When we see what's unfolding in the real world and your lied to every single day about everything can you blame anyone?
Cause we all know that if your on this website your probably gonna have some wacky ideas. It's what makes the Donald great..
Was a president of the United States ( bill Clinton) on Jeffery epstiens plane and island? Nuff said
N some prefer the term tRumptard