posted ago by Deadpool ago by Deadpool +40 / -1

You can check my numbers to see I am a long-standing poster, in fact started on TD Reddit before they kicked us.

I was active running numbers and research for the stolen election, I only have a little information on Q and nowhere near the levels I image you have.

I know Lin Sidney, and Patrick were in some of the same meetings with Trump.

So why do Lin and Sidney have such confidence and Patrick seem such a doomer?

I can’t see Lin and Sidney making baseless claims, but then Patrick just trashes it. WTF? This just doesn’t make sense.

They all seem logical and intelligent. I just can’t sort this out. I can’t ask questions like this in TD.win right now as the shills and doomers have really dug in deep.

I have a ton of questions but I feel I need to start learning the foundation first. Recommendations?
