30 Steven Mnuchin is a big budget movie producer posted 4 years ago by Ryan192 4 years ago by Ryan192 +31 / -1 14 comments share 14 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Wow I had no idea he was a Hollywood producer
I would love to rewatch this movie under less stressful circumstances. Let's wrap up filming please. lol
????????JANUARY 19th 2021 IS NATIONAL POPCORN DAY???????? https://nationaltoday.com/national-popcorn-day/
I'm sure he's bumped elbows with some shady fuckin people in hollywood too...
Will Farrel and Ben Affleck are both in his movies multiple times.
BA is part of the black eye club and WF is on the Epstein flight manifest as well as fan of Marina Abromovich.
He's made 3 movies that have Batman in them. Hmmm, Batman . . .
Remember . . .
that there was that midnight attack on the cinema in Colorado during one of the Batman movies . . .
that Sandy Hook was featured on a map in the third Nolan Batman film . . .
and on Christmas day there was an attack in Nashville, TN near "The Batman Building."
B Affleck is also in one of Hillary's emails to Obama, Huma, Podesta about "Hotdogs", which is cabal code for little boys.
That's right! I forgot about that. TY!
Always BLOWS my mind!!
I would shit a brick if they actually documented everything... to make a movie for the people to comprehend this piece of history