So, I signed up here and my account follows me to and
Just wondering, how many .win website's are linked, how many am I a member of now? Anyone know this? Who exactly has set all this up? Who is funding this?
So, I signed up here and my account follows me to and
Just wondering, how many .win website's are linked, how many am I a member of now? Anyone know this? Who exactly has set all this up? Who is funding this?
It is all self funded as state by TDW admins as they said this is the only way to secure the servers and allow such platforms. This is why they do not receive any outside funding as it might compromise the platform.
Yeah, but who just has the cash to bankroll this shit? Also, if they aren't going to advertise or accept donations then this shit is probably a soon to be dead honeypot yeah?
4 hour old account.
Wants to know who runs the site.
Questions funding.
Accuses mods of operating a honeypot.
Any more obvious shill shit you wanna spew out?
Can I get your mother’s maiden name please? ?
If being curious and aware of what could be happening, thinking things through, etc, makes me a shill, then I guess I am.
How has it been a honeypot? I would say these platforms have been very effective in keep millions informed and in light of Reddit bans and Voat shutting down, essential. And also, I am certain there are many people involved in funding the sites and it is not solely the admins involved. There are many Patriots out there who are invested in our success. This was planned and prepared. Also, donations and payment services are now compromised. Then all of this would have been shut down if we relied on the donations of users. The reason Voat shut down was because while never taking donations, they had an angel investor. Voat had a contract with this angel investor and whoever it was, pulled out. Voat users wanted to donate and keep the site alive but judging from the site owner's reaction that it would all be shutdown regardless, something contractually binding must have occurred. TDW doesn't have to be transparent with their finances. What you should turn your attention to is the fact that we rely on Cloudflare for DDOS protection. It will be a difficult obstacle to overcome if they decide not to support us on their platform anymore.
Think about this for a second, and then I am going to go back to moderating. If you believe the election was a fraud and Dominion algorithms are involved, you understand the numbers were false. The true numbers if the algorithm were to be reverted to standard settings, would be at least 90 million votes for Trump and around 50 million or less for Biden. The eligible election population is 255,000,000. The means a little less than half of the voting population didn't really cared at all. So, this means the vast majority of people who actually care about what is going on are Trump Supporters. The people who don't care are going to be sitting at home watching all of this through a TV. Those people and if you include everyone under 18 years old, that means the majority of the country doesn't really care what's going on and are just along for the ride. Most voters on both sides do not want war with one another and would not kill one another. The reason why many governors released thousands of felons from prison last year was to gain more troops for their little communist army. This is why most Antifa rioters who were arrested had past criminal history. What are their numbers? Around 200-500,000? Not a small number to balk at but very manageable for the US military is quickly shutdown which was the plan from the start.
Agreed. I hope it is what it seems to be, nothing more and nothing less. But look at platforms like Parler that was an obvious honeypot. Due to the anon registration it gives me hope that this place is stable, but it doesn't hurt to ask. After all, "If you aren't paying, you are the product."