The things you read here will seem far fetched but the evidence has been documented with video, phone recordings and documents through court filings. We are talking about Timothy Holmseth. All the statements I make here can be researched via Holmseth's webpage. There are 31 pages of videos and documents. Here is his website.
Timothy Holmseth is a investigative reporter. His calling in life was chasing down leads about child trafficking. He received some phone calls about people doing very bad things to children that started him on his journey. He was investigating the abduction of some children and he uncovered a child trafficking ring that went very high up the political chain. Back in 2009 his investigation led him to Florida and Indiana.
In Florida he uncovered a state operated child trafficking ring being run out of the AG office of Pam Bondi. Child Protective Services would take the children from families based on reports of abuse. These children would be placed in foster homes or adoption centers. Its been a while since I ran down this rabbit hole but what I remember these kids were sexually abused and sold to the highest bidder. Pam Bondi being the AG of Florida would oversee the court proceedings of parents fighting to get their children back. She was a evil wicked bitch living like a queen on the profits of her trafficking operation.
In Indiana, Pence was Governor at the time. Indiana was known as the hotbed for child trafficking back in the day. It was Holmseth's contention the high volume of child trafficking in Indiana was because Pence refused to investigate it and was actually involved in it. Holmseth accused both Pence and his wife of participating in ritualistic child sexual abuse, the details are to horrific I don't care to mention it here. You can do your own research if you want the grizzly details.
Here is a short video and a letter Holmseth sent to AG Sessions that talks about Pence and Pam Bondi.
Another interesting story came out of Arizona. Arizona being located on the Mexican border was another hotbed for children being trafficked from South America and Mexico. There was a group called Veterans on Patrol that would go out in to the desert and find homeless veterans, give them food and a offer shelter to them. They stumbled upon a camp that had a deep pit in the ground and childrens toys laying around. There was a tree with rope and chains. A skull from a child was found nearby. It was a staging location used by child traffickers. It was reported to the authorities. The investigation was conducted by a man named Craig Sawyer. He was a Navy Seal, body guard for Hillary Clinton and later ran a organization called Veterans for child Rescue. The site was bulldozed with claims that it was just a homeless encampment. The evidence was destroyed and it seems Craig Sawyer was the one that ran the clean up operation.
It is my assumption that Craig Sawyer's navy seal experience got him the job as Clinton body guard. Then Hillary corrupted him and began blackmailing him. He became a clean up man for the child traffickers and worked under the fake child rescue organization to gain access to locations when whistle blowers sent in tips to the authorities. Remember, most pedophiles put themselves in positions that gain them access to children. Many convicted child molesters are people who run day care centers, adoption agencies, teachers... they seek employment in occupations that put themselves in the vicinity of children. These people are sick.
Remember the scandal in Haiti? Clinton Foundation employee Laura Silsby being arrested for trying to remove 33 children from Haiti. She claimed they were homeless after a earthquake, this was a lie, the kids were returned to their families. The Clintons came to her rescue and got her out of jail. Laura now works for a company called Alert Sense which has connections to the system that provides amber alerts for missing children. Its like the fox guarding the henhouse
When I talked about this stuff in the past I had people come out and say Holmseth was a fruitcake, he was lying, he just wants the attention. They called Holmseth a pedophile himself(projection?) Let me ask this, Why would anyone draw this much attention to himself passing off fake evidence of high crimes? His accusations brought down upon himself the weight of law enforcement, prosecutors, death threats from many people. Why would he create so much headache for himself if the stories he told were lies? Why would he make claims about Pence knowing he could be arrested and/or sued for defamation. I think Holmseth is still free today, he may be in hiding but I don't think he has been sued for defamation. I have a feeling that the people who responded to my posts on other blogs were a clean up crew (like Craig Sawyer) who were protecting the people at the top.
Now we have Lin Wood bringing these things back to the surface. Is Lin Wood being sued for defamation? Lin Wood is the best defamation lawyer in the country. Do you think Lin would make these claims without solid evidence? Could Lin Wood be showing us the way POTUS will take down the cabal and deepstate? Over the summer we saw stories of children being rescued in tunnels, then the stories went quiet. I remember POTUS once talking about missing kids and saying we need to do something about it. We here Q say it will be biblical and the depth of depravity is mind blowing. Q said the evidence would send many people to the hospital if they knew all the truth, it must be pretty bad. Q said the people who know can't sleep at night. Supposedly the FBI agents who looked at the evidence on Anthony Weiners laptop got physically sick and vomited after seeing some of the evidence. If there is one thing that could take down all the evil in this country it would be a massive story on child sex trafficking. We know POTUS set up a task force on child trafficking and they have been arresting thousands of people for the last several years. Could we be days before the President sends out EAS messages that shows the entire planet the sickness that dwells at the top of society? I PRAY TO GOD IT IS TRUE.
Ok, but the letter to Sessions is dated 2017. His investigation may have started in 2009, I never gave you a end date. You made up the 2011 year all on your own? Good job, are you one of Clintons clean up crew?
Well the person Holmseth mentions is Bondi. I have no reason to doubt him and Im sure if the prior AG was involved, Holmseth would have called him out.
I understand what you are saying, the way I wrote it, it appears his investigation started in Florida, I do not know that, I just know that at some point in his investigation he went to Florida. I did not take time to figure out the chronological order of events. I was just relaying what I remember from years ago.