jhartz39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I agree. I think they are pushing the economic crash and riots as close to the election as possible. Don't want the entire country hanging in a state of extreme decay for an extended period of time. Could get ugly.

jhartz39 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trying to make sense of this.

This post may have some plausibility.

Q told us we were watching a movie.

Many theorize Biden is dead, executed for treason, perhaps back around the same time no name was eliminated.

Trump told us they were going to steal the election.

Perhaps white hats let them steal the election. Fox news calling the election for Biden in Arizona before all the votes were counted was part of the movie.

Perhaps all the courts refusing to take any election cases for "No Standing" was part of the movie.

Biden hiding out in his basement in 2020 instead of hitting the campaign trail limited exposure of the plan.

Perhaps white hats needed this 4 year Biden presidency to process all the military tribunals, sort out foreign government / globalist involvement within the Obama administration, investigate all the financial crimes (following the money) and lure more deepstate actors into the sting operation.

Opened up the border to see where these children and drugs were being trafficked.

Q told us, "The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed."

White hats created a fake AI Biden on Azure for all the deepstate actors to collude with, commit their treasonous crimes against the country/people. Why stop any enemy when they are digging their own grave?

This Azure system would explain all the green screen mistakes we saw at the start of Biden's term. Hand passing through microphones, top of his head disappearing as he walked through the White House.

Recently, Biden's debate with Trump destroyed any chance at reelection for himself. This was a white hat creation, hence nobody was allowed to attend the debate. Biden still refuses to step down from the election race. This pushes the deepstate into coup mode to remove Biden. Perhaps the deepstate has gotten wise at this point and realize Sleepy Joe (the masked man / AI version) is working for the white hats. The deepstate take out the Azure server eliminating the white hat's ability to create the AI version of Biden. Perhaps the whites took it down themselves, not needed any longer.

We are far enough along in the plan it didn't matter, it was time to put the fake Biden down for his dirt nap anyway. Joe tweets out, "I am sick". It was time to move in Kamala so the chapter on "Natural born Citizen" can take place.

The Crowdstrike outage eliminated the intrusion protection for all these corporate servers, evidence was gathered. These corporations were taking orders from the globalists, disrupting our society. Perhaps white hats were following the money, payouts to all these CEO's to push this DEI, trannry, LGBT crap on the people.

Very interesting times.

jhartz39 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think reporters were moved to another location.

jhartz39 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember it being said that Trump's regular SS detail was pulled to protect Jill Biden at a separate event and Trump was provided the left-over DEI SS agents.

Jill's safety is not part of protecting continuity of government and her safety should not take priority over the next sitting president. Shit, the Biden's have been placed on a deportation list a week later, from the White House.

jhartz39 20 points ago +20 / -0

White hats will decide when Joe rolls over and plays dead. Then Kamal's eligibility fight takes place. Johnson steps up as president and takes measures to secure the upcoming election. Eliminating illegal immigration participation in the election via EO. This has to play out over next three months. It will go quick. Nothing is certain obviously but this is the way I see it playing out

jhartz39 13 points ago +14 / -1

I forgot to mention, once Kamala gets shunned, step up President Johnson!! Now we need a new speaker of the house. Who steps in as Speaker I wonder?

jhartz39 38 points ago +39 / -1

Next, I think Biden"s death or his inability to hold office takes place. Kamala is forced to step up.

Then, it will be said, Kamala is not eligible to hold office of the presidency. An emergent ruling by the Supreme Court will be released defining the definition of "natural born citizen". This ruling is sitting on Clarence Thomas's desk as we speak. (Just a wild guess) This has been written in to the movie from the start. Preventing another manchurian president like Obama from gaining power in the future is an important part in this movie.

Trump was one of the original birthers questioning Obama"s eligibility as president. You can bet your last dollar Trump wanted this eligibilty fight with Kamala to take place. This is why she was chosen as sleepy Joe's VP.

It will be said, Kamala is a anchor baby, both of her parents were here on foreign student visas. Also, Kamala's father was working for the government of Jamacia as a policy consultant / advisor which may define him as a diplomat.

If you look here at the Jamacia Constitution under Chapter 2 CITIZENSHIP:

  1. A person shall be deemed to be born in Jamaica

b. If at the time of his birth his mother

ii. whether or not a citizen of Jamaica, is residing in a country other than Jamaica by reason of her being married to a citizen of Jamaica who is residing in that country by reason of his employment in the diplomatic service of Jamaica.


Would this make Kamal a citizen of Jamacia?

I think it does.

jhartz39 5 points ago +5 / -0

I see what you are saying, it it hard to theorize what is going on behind the scenes. They say McAfee died by a suicide hanging while in custody in Spain, same cause of death as Epstein. Is that true or is he alive and well hiding out in Russia? I'm thinking McAfee knew what was planned and attempted to disassociate himself the situation. There are so many moves and countermoves, nobody could truly give a definitive answer to what is going on. It is meant to be that way.

jhartz39 5 points ago +5 / -0

I call bullshit, they see a man perched on roof with a rifle looking down at Trump rally and they waited till he started shooting? I suppose they could have killed the patsy after they took a few shots at Trump themselves.

jhartz39 5 points ago +5 / -0

send us more pics, not of the nuns, let us know if you see Cheeto sneaking around.

jhartz39 9 points ago +9 / -0

So, we will see if men can truly get pregnant, although he looks menopausal. Baby bearing years may be behind him.

jhartz39 23 points ago +23 / -0

I have often wondered when the evidence would start to roll out or when Trump would play his Trump card?

Perhaps evidence has been intentionally withheld from the public, only to be released at a time when it created the largest impact.

If the Democrats wait till Sept to roll out their new candidates, that leaves very little time to mitigate any damage control from evidence releases.

Let's say for instance they throw HRC back in the ring at the last minute and crimes against humanity evidence against the Clinton Foundation is released. There would be zero time remaining to roll out a second new candidate.

The Democrat party would cease to exist, no options on the ballot, Trump would win every state and all the down ballot races. Democrat voters would be in shell shock and forgo heading to the ballot box.

House, Senate and presidency would be under MAGA control. Then, the pain begins, retribution. One can dream!

jhartz39 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had a military chopper fly over my house at 10pm last night. Southeast michigan.

jhartz39 10 points ago +10 / -0

"I'm only going to use his name one time, Biden. Not going to use it anymore". Almost reminiscent of no name.

jhartz39 10 points ago +10 / -0

Looking at the team at Austin Private Wealth.


Dan Krause is a co-managing partner.

He has spent time at Shalom Austin and Jewish Foundation Committee.


I also looked at the linkedin profiles for the remaining partners but didn't see any Israeli connections. Maybe Dan Krause was the Israeli handler for this group.

Thinking back on 9/11, the Israeli art students and boxes of fuse-holders in the room. Very high probability Israel was behind 9/11.


The Israel Zim shipping company moved out of the twin towers before 9/11 happened.


The put options placed on American and United Airlines during 9/11 connects to CIA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Krongard


I get the feeling someone from Israel or the CIA tipped off Dan Kraus on the upcoming assassination attempt and he tried to make some cash by shorting DJT. Following the money always works.

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