jhartz39 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perhaps this is why we have been told to vote early. If the deepstate knows Trump supporters vote in person because we don't trust drop boxes and postal service, they could have planned something nefarious.

Dave on X22 has been talking about a cyberattack for a while.

Was this the last deepstate get out of jail free card? Shut down the country couple days before the election with a widespread power outage. Then count all the mail in ballot from the democrats and then claim Kamala won?


"If you know your opponents move, what advantages that does present?

If you have the TRUTH on your side, what advantages does that present?

If you have full control of the US MIL, what advantages does that present?

If you have complete AUTH TO DECLAS, what advantages does that present?

If you have the SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (PATRIOTS), what advantages does that present?"

jhartz39 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember reading the password to access the machines remotley was made public on their own website. This gives them plausible deniabilty.

We didn't hack the election, they did it themselves without our knowledge.

I am sure Q has evidence that proves different and why Q used the term "KNOWINGLY".

jhartz39 1 point ago +1 / -0

2 Grams? Wow, I thought the normal dose was 222 mg although I have read people taking up to 1000mg. You are taking 2000mg? That is 10 times the normal dose. That may be why you are tripping, lol.

jhartz39 3 points ago +3 / -0

They add chemical additives to the vaccines that make the living cells more permeable to the toxins/DNA in the vaccines.

If you make the cell wall permeable, you don't need a receptor site to introduce the DNA sequence into the cell. I have heard people developing HIV like symptoms after the covid vax. I would imagine the plasmid genetic sequence tou speak of has the potential to create unwanted side effects.

Here is a prime example, they call it a detergent. Disrupting the function of your cell walls is not a good idea and I'm sure it's done for nefarious reasons.


I just bought a bag of Fenbendazole, I have a few tubes of the horse paste, I plan on administering it to myself soon. I have to find the protocol for taking the 2 drugs together, the dosage and duration. I think I saved something from this board recently. I wasn't vaccinated for covid but I have had many flu shots over the years working in the hospital for the last 35 years. I would like to find a good detox protocol to do at the same time.

jhartz39 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I would be interested, you can send me the link. I have saved aprox 75 posts here on natural cures and protocols over the last few years. I could dig through my saved posts, I might be able to provide some data for you.

Thanks, have a good day.

jhartz39 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is a 70/30 split, being in Pittsburgh, thats pretty good. I think a accurate national poll we be better than a 80/20 split.

jhartz39 8 points ago +8 / -0

You only say that because he made your presidential candidate look like a moron.

jhartz39 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will say it again. Q told us the military was the only way. However, the Posse Comitatus Act bars federal troops from participating in civilian law enforcement on American soil.

Certain laws had to be lifted to allow the military the authority to conduct operations on domestic soil. The Insurrection Act is what gave the military the authority. Trump needed a coup or a Insurrection to sign the Insurrection Act. Trump could not get the military and military intelligence participation if he won the election.

Military intelligence takes over control of 3 letter agencies after the Insurrection Act is signed. The prerequisite had to be a stolen election. Bret participated in the coup but he was instructed to do so so we could engage the military.

I don't know any easier way to explain it

Read Q post 14, 22, 23, 28 and 34. Q tells you what was going to happen, before it happened.

jhartz39 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong, Bret was once a respected conservative news agent until he called the election for Biden in Arizona before the votes were counted. I admired him once upon a time. He only turned into a fake news pos 4 years ago.

You have to think about the grand scheme of things. Q told us the military was the only way. How was Trump able to get the military involved? Signing the Insurrection Act. What gave Trump the ultimate reason to sign the Insurrection Act? The stolen election!

Remember Trump has called Biden's term in office "the pause". Pausing something is an intentional act. We needed these 4 years to open everyone's eyes, pulling the black vote over to the MAGA party. Increasing the number of supporters behind Trump.

Bret showed a poll during that interview, 79% of the country thinks were are going in the wrong direction. Trump needed a clear majority when he starts arresting the deep state. He needs everyone supporting him when he starts deporting the illegals. If he tried to arrest the deepstate when we were split 50/50, we risked a civil war. This long-drawn-out Q plan was all about exposing the corruption in every agency, exposing every bad player and uniting the country.

Q talked about leaving the front door open and letting them dig their own graves. They let the democrats steal the election but in reality, Trump remained Commander in Chief. Biden's inauguration was fake, he didn't get a 21 gun salute, Trump got the 21 gun salute as he was leaving Washington DC.

Trump let them steal the election and everything the deepstate has done to prevent him from returning will one day soon come back to destroy all of them.

jhartz39 8 points ago +8 / -0

Did you watch the interview? He did go in guns blazing. He asked a series of questions that Kamala could not possibly provide a reasonable explanation for or justify the Biden / Harris policies. She never answered 1 question. I suggest you watch again. Starts here at 32:00 mark.


jhartz39 4 points ago +4 / -0

If I had to guess, Kamala requested a list of questions so she could memorize her answers. When she got there the questions changed. The questions that Bret asked would have never been on an approved question list. Kamala would have never showed up if she knew these questions were going to be asked.

jhartz39 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of course they would say she did a fantastic job, just like they said Biden was at the top of his game as he suffered from late stage dementia.

Kamala's handlers wouldn't have insisted the interview be stopped if they thought she was doing a fine job.

This is how we create distrust with the media. Present video, allow people see her fail and then watch the media lie and praise her.

These days people are not being convinced they didn't see that with their own 2 eyes.

jhartz39 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have said it a couple times, we are in a vetting process with this election. If you have a big name and are vocal about your support for Kamala, chances are you have visited Epstein Island or been to a party at Diddy's house.

Downfall of a Hollywood deity: Once revered in Tinseltown, EIGHT women now accuse Morgan Freeman of being a sex predator after earlier claims of an affair with his step-granddaughter


jhartz39 2 points ago +2 / -0

I cant understand what he said, the crossover with Epstein client list and what?

jhartz39 1 point ago +2 / -1

What ap created these voices? Just shows they can add the voice to any AI generated face, clone or body double. They can create video of HRC even though she was thrown into the back of a van and swept off to Gitmo and executed years ago.

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