True, but I'm not necessarily advocating dropping massive redpills like WW2 and the Holo(hoax)caust out of nowhere, on top of the paedo/globalist coup stuff. Obviously things like this need to be drip fed. I mean damn I was a conspiracy theorist for 3 years before I even considered going down the WW2 rabbit hole.
I just hope, if this all comes to pass, we will live in a society, where the TRUTH is freely available, disseminated and not censored. If it's 10 years post-truth, and if we live in a "liberated" world where "Nazis" are still evil incarnate and the Lolocaust is the greatest tRaGeDy the "world has ever seen", I will see that as a failure. Not asking for people to start loving Hitler and become fanatic national socialists, I just think the truth behind these events is of a magnitude far greater than most people realise, even on this board. It was so, so much more than "BAD RACIST NAZIS" vs "FREEDOM LOVING WEST (and murderous bolsheviks but we like to skip that part)". Let's not forget it was the single most destructive conflict in the history of humanity, and likely will forever be. People need to know what really happened, and why.
Look I'm not even sure what I'm advocating to be honest. I don't even know what's going to happen. I'm just sick of the lies.
True, but I'm not necessarily advocating dropping massive redpills like WW2 and the Holo(hoax)caust out of nowhere, on top of the paedo/globalist coup stuff. Obviously things like this need to be drip fed. I mean damn I was a conspiracy theorist for 3 years before I even considered going down the WW2 rabbit hole.
I just hope, if this all comes to pass, we will live in a society, where the TRUTH is freely available, disseminated and not censored. If it's 10 years post-truth, and if we live in a "liberated" world where "Nazis" are still evil incarnate and the Lolocaust is the greatest tRaGeDy the "world has ever seen", I will see that as a failure. Not asking for people to start loving Hitler and become fanatic national socialists, I just think the truth behind these events is of a magnitude far greater than most people realise, even on this board. It was so, so much more than "BAD RACIST NAZIS" vs "FREEDOM LOVING WEST (and murderous bolsheviks but we like to skip that part)". Let's not forget it was the single most destructive conflict in the history of humanity, and likely will forever be. People need to know what really happened, and why.
Look I'm not even sure what I'm advocating to be honest. I don't even know what's going to happen. I'm just sick of the lies.