Why are we acting so weak?
Why are we acting like we have no power and no control over our own destiny?
Why do you think they are trying to make an example out of Trump?
Because they want to demoralise us. But know they may overcome any one person, but they cannot overcome us united a group. WE ARE THE ONES WITH TRUE POWER. THEY CANNOT OVERCOME US WITHOUT OUR SURRENDER.
Together we will take the swamp down and we will take the Communist China down without firing a single bullet. How?
We take on the Chinese Economy and destroy it inside out. Right now, it is not well known, but the Chinese economy was tanking before covid started. Watch Joshua Phillips, China Uncensored, Simon Gao, NTD, Epoch Times on youtube. It will show you the current state of China. They are a paper dragon.
I. They do not have the right population ratio to maintain being they factory of the world. They simply cannot maintain being a cheap manufacturer of the worlds goods. They don’t have enough young people. It will go to India and the South East Asian countries as their labour will be cheaper because their population is much younger. This is inevitable. They killed millions of their baby girls and the population simply cannot recover within 3 decades.
II. Their internal economy is weak. They are completely dependent on the west. The only way they got out of the disaster that was the great leap forward (where 20 million starve to death) was because the capitalism of the west. WE RESCUED THEM. They are completely dependent on the money that comes from purchasing their product, without the US dollar they cannot fund their corrupt plan to take over the world.
III. They have massive unsustainable debt. You think US debt is bad? Wait till you see China. Their banks are proven to be backed by fake gold. They do not have the ability to have an internal circulating economy. They have fake peer to peer lending programs. Their companies on the stock market is also fake, it’s all inflated numbers. Their facing a housing collapse. You think 2009 was bad? Wait till you see what happening to the Chinese and just how big their housing bubble is. And most of all Chinese people’s money is 70% in locked up in saving for a house and paying for a house, they have no ability for spending outside of it to fund a flourishing internal economy. They cannot sustain without the US dollar.
IV. They don’t even have enough food this year. China import 30% of their food their food at any one year. Their giant chucks farmlands has been completely destroyed last June – august so at the very least they will need to import 60-80% of their food for 1.4 billion people this year. Their grain storage is also fake, there’s no actual food there. They are facing mass starvation this year.
V. They are crippled by corruption. The smarter you are the earlier you’ll be killed or taken down in China. Just look at Jack Ma. How do they deliver new ideas and new services if doing so means their death. China is good at copying, but they are not actually the providers of new ideas and ingenuity. It comes from the brain power of the west. Because tall poppy syndrome to the Chinese people equate to death and persecution if you don’t join the CCP.
VI. They have made an enemy of the entire world. They might have politician in their back pocket, might even have the military, our media and our universities definitely. But they cannot control the simple hatred inside each one of us because of what they have imposed on us through COVID. Their ruin our business, our savings and our freedom throughout the entire world.
VII. The Chinese people will not die for the CCP. The communist had completely destroyed the culture of old china. Their people may say a lot how support china but at the end of the day their will not die for their country like the US patriots will. The CCP created a society where it’s each man for themselves. When given the chance, the Chinese people will run out of China if they could. They have no real support; they have slaves and hostages. What do you think will happen if these slaves become poorer and their food cut off? The CCP have only lasted this long because these past decades the lives of the Chinese people had improve. They had accepted this oppression. What do you think happen to people’s food and safety are taken away from them due to a tanked economy? They have nothing to lose and nothing to live for. Think of that and imagine it in the hundreds of millions.
Why do you think they are cheating so hard? Because if Trump continued for 4 more years, they would be destroyed. Right now they are at their weakest. If pushed even slightly, the Chinese economy cannot survive. WE NEED TO PUSH THEM AND DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY GET US.
Our media, internet and our university are controlled by the elites and the Chinese. They brainwashed us, they lie to us constantly and make us think we are powerless. It’s time to stop them. They cannot control us without our tacit acceptance. We take them on and destroy their source of power and money.
We must organise together to make our strength known. How? Steps:
1. NEVER buy Chinese made goods ever again.
China’s power lies in their ability to the be manufacturer of the world. But at the end of the day, we are the customers and we have the final say.** Their product are cheap in price because the true cost is the loss of our freedom and liberty. ** We refuse to line their pockets further, refuse to give them the money that they will use to turn their guns on us. Obviously, it is impossible to avoid all Chinese made, but if we cannot avoid that, we must only buy used Chinese goods at the very least. That way they cannot get a new single dollar from us. The Chinese makes money only from new products. We need to spread this movement. One person wouldn’t make a dent, but if 2/3 of America refuse to buy Chinese goods, then they are done for. Remember, we are the actual majority.
2. Awaken the rest of the sleeping patriots.
We need to show them the corruption, the cruelly and the truth about communism and dealing with the Chinese. Some people will never like Trump, that is fine, our first step is just to make them see the hypocrisy and the corruption. It is enough to start with. We need to promote alternative media, alternative voice and alternative source of education. We need to continue to grow our movement and red pill as many people as possible. WE HAVE THE REAL TRUTH. IT IS OUR DUTY TO SHOW IT TO THE PEOPLE. Spread it everywhere in every comment on social media, spread it on your neighbourhood or locale gathering.
They have TDS? No problem. We don’t actually need them to love Trump, we just need them to hate China. We need them to stop buying Chinese goods – how? Show then the true evil of Chinese Communist Party
- Mass starvation of at least 20-40 million people in the 50-60’s
- Mass abortion and killing of millions babies
- Mass kidnapping and child trafficking
- Mass organ harvesting
- Mass ethnic cleansing of Tibetans and Uighurs
- Mass rape of Tibetan and Uighur women
- Mass concentration camps and surveillance All funded by their government and still happening now.
The CCP is the villain background story that writes itself. We just need to show more patriots and more normies the truth. It is because most people will be so disgusted to support such a regime if it is known to them that every single dollar they pay in Chinese goods goes towards lining the pockets of this very same people committing these crimes against humanity. We need to broadcast this.
We must win the battle of ideas. Right now, they are brainwashing our youth and our population constantly through the media. We must put a stop to this. So, what if they control the media and the internet? We will do it the old fashion way. Dinner table talk, talking in bars, talking in our neighbourhoods. Talk to people one person at a time, in person or via the phone. Do it by sending your neighbours pamphlet everywhere direct them to alternative sources of information. CONSTANTLY. EVERY NEIGHBOURHOOD.
This is what has launch revolution in the past. This is what they fear most. The spread of ideas. This is why they are trying to silence us. We cannot win by being on a website alone, we are already converted. We win by talking and discussing ideas out a loud. WE must convert the normies. We don’t need to turn people into Trump supports, we must simply show everyone the SWAMP and MSM, the corruptions and the cruelty of the CCP – broadcast out aloud to our communities. Our goal is to make more of us and stop the brainwashing. We don’t need people to become republicans, we need them to become patriots who will fight for freedom and liberty.
3. Educate ourselves and spread our knowledge
We need to educate ourselves more and spread our knowledge. Their power comes from them keeping us in the dark, through lack of knowledge and lack of understanding of the system.
They are turning our young people into slaves via student debt and brainwashing. They are printing out our money and devaluing the blood sweat and tears we put into working and earning every penny. They are getting away with this because no one has taught us how this system works and how our money works. We must show everyone that we are currently in a system they created, where they are the owners and we are the slaves.
It is not enough for us to be outrage because not everyone is aware. We are literally paying them tens of thousands of dollars to brainwash our children. Going into debt so our children comes out with less equipped to deal with the real world and stupider than when they came in. They even come back hating us. This stops now.
They got this power because they kept us in the dark. We never learn money management, interest rates, how compounding works. We never had full understanding of what funds wall streets and fiat currency. Not all of us knew how the Federal Reserve is just printing out money with no actual tangible value and we are staring at massive in the future.
Why is this important? Because the source of their control is money. WE need to figure out how to take that away from them. The first step is understanding the system the created for us to live enslave within.
4. Utilised the Skills of our Patriots
At least 80 million people voted for Trump, surely there’s people here who can help us come up with smart plans and create alternative goods and services to the current offer. We need to band together and think of how to provide good and services. We need to use the smartest among us to come up with sound plans and actions we can undertake.
We are smart hardworking individuals, with each having a unique talent. We must use our skills and our knowledge to protect our country. Think about what you have to offer the country or other patriots and band together to act on it. We need to organise, to utilise the intelligence of the smartest among us, to use each of our special gifts and skill to push our movement forward.
A few thousand of them banded together and destroyed the integrity of our election and our voice. What do you think a few million patriots banning together to use each of their unique skills to contribute to the movement can do?
WE can offer our own goods. WE can create our own education system. WE can create our own internet service. WE can stop the brainwashing of our youth**. WE DO NOT HAVE TO FALL UNDER THEIR RULE. It will only happen if we accept it**. Our forefathers build America into the richest country in the world through sheer determination. We must honour them through our actions.
5. Let’s actually take action. BUILD OUR OWN SYSTEM.
They control the US dollar? No worries, we make our own currency. And no not bitcoin. Anything on the internet they can hack us and use again us – case and point election machine. We go back to the old fashion way -> gold and precious metals. We can trade good and services within patriots using gold. Is it hard? Hell yes. But what’s harder is them turning our US dollar into fake currency and giving it out like candy. It will devalue our hard work and enslave our children in the future. We can’t control the US dollar, but we can control actual gold. That has international value and has hold it for thousands of years. If whole states like Texas and Florida take this up, it means we have cut off their ability to devalue our work. We neutered them.
Why should our money and our hard work be at the mercy of corrupt politician? Let’s make our own gold backed currency. We don’t have to play by their rules. We make our own system and we support our own patriots.
- Make our own media and internet
- Make our own education system – online like khan academy where we actually teach our children useful stuff
- Make our own currency in real life
- with our online banking system and maybe currency that’s directly gold backed.
- Make our own electronics/phone so we can’t be tracked or stalked
- Make a system to communicate and gather without being at the mercy of big tech
Take down the source of their power – it is the money and the oppressive system the created for us to live under. Revolt against their plans.
We are the Grassroot movement and together we are stronger than them. Trump was simply chosen to lead our movement, he was not the end all and be all of us. He has worked hard enough but he is still just one person. Let’s stop depending on hope and actually take up the mantle. He did it for us. Everyone of us must do it for him and the future of our children. We will not be the first American generation to be born free and die a slave. It will not happen under our watch.
WE WILL NOT BOW DOWN. THIS IS THE HILL WE WILL DIE ON. It is now or never. Spread these ideas and lets take down the Chinese economy. They cannot get us all if we take down the source of their power. MONEY. We can deal with the corrupt politician after, once we have destroyed their master. Without their backer, they are nothing.
We must refuse to play inside their oppressive system. We must use our collective intelligence and our collective will to break out of the slavery system they have imposed on us. Patriots, lets unite and think of plans and what we can do to subvert their entire system. What system we can create and what we can do to take their power away from them. We now have the best technology of all – the internet. Anything we need to learn we can learn here, anything we need to teach each other we can teach each other here, any ideas we need to spread we can spread. We have the complete power. Without our permission they cannot take it
They can only govern at the consent of the masses. And we do not consent to the stealing of our duly election presidential position. We stand up now and today.
They are using the idea that they own the farmlands and own the manufacturing to make us think we can't control it. But in actually if the factory is located in the USA or the farmland is located in the US, the ultimate control is lies with the local population. Even if the police is corrupted, they cannot enforce people to work if people strike or fully controlled the chain of distribution in the same way they can like if it was in China. We can also seize their assets if it is found that they are against national interest like what they are proposing in Australia. It doesn't need to be true, they need to just fear that this is a possibility. After all after they unleashed they coronavirus on the world, they actually do own us repatriation. Now with a corrupt government this is hard, but if we actually threatened business loudly they will have no choice but hear us. We are actually too nice, that's our problem.
The key issue here is most people are fully informed on their real power. China simply cannot maintain being the manufacturer of the world, in one or two decades they will have 1 old person for every two young person. If we make our voice heard and business people see that they can make cheaper products in another country that people aren't boycotting they will go there. They will go where the money flow. Plus did you know at the peak spread of the virus, china banned the American Owned 3M company from sending mask from their own Chinese factory to the US? They literally just took the company. Why would any business want to continue working in China if they know china can fully steal their factory at a snap of a finger. We need to make this more well known to instil fear into the mind of the business people. The risk not just increasing production cost, but also their factory and goods be taken over by the CCP.
You are completely right in that we need to have a system to trade goods. Right now congress has complete spending control of our money. They will make it worth nothing. We should have a system to circumvent them or we will be ruled completely by a bunch of corrupt officials. I wish we had a website for patriots where we can barter or trade.