posted ago by Kaizen ago by Kaizen +77 / -0

I didn't come here because I believed in Q. I came here because I believe in Trump, and that he is fighting evil. And what has been unfolding before us is much bigger than just the elections. I came here because TDW got flooded with doomers. I still go there and take my part, get informed, laugh at the memes, but the more positive energy comes from here. When I first posted and in my early days here (not very long ago), a lot of you have been generous with welcoming me to this community ( https://greatawakening.win/p/11RhKDXhOn/i-hope-you-have-room-for-one-mor/ and https://greatawakening.win/p/11Rhd4zgaV/seeking-advice-in-addition-to-ce/c/ ) with resources to help me understand Q. I have finally started to slowly go through them and this one in particular has given me the beginning of my awakening: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4cQc9X9l0a5Y/ I would like to say wholeheartedly thank you for re-enforcing what I believe in. Giving me even more strength. And somehow, putting me more at ease. I love you all and thank you.