Sorry for shit format, at work and trying to piece this together on the fly.
Pompeo tweet with .gov link ending in xA89E
Very next tweet includes the word key and Pennsylvania
Roman numeral x = 10, other letters capitalized A1B2C3... 10 + 1 + 89 + 5 = 105
Drop 105 Pennsylvania is the keystone state; search drops for keystone to find these lines -
Be [p]repared. Ope[r]ations underway. Operators [a]ctive. Graphic is essential. Find the ke[y]stone. Help appreciated, further research needed??
You know what though, Q gave us waaaay more than anyone else. I’ve been disappointed in the apparent lack of public convictions but we do live in a time of misinformation & extreme body doubles so who knows for sure? I’m a die hard Q girl & it was very hard to listen to the rhetoric on TD over the past couple of weeks. Makes you wonder how many shills are infiltrating to spread the lies, fear & doubt so we lose hope. They almost got me, yesterday morning, then I listened to Bards of War & got my warpaint back on & I’m ready to watch the rest of this movie. I’m here at GA until the end with all my pepes.