posted ago by silver_uptothesky ago by silver_uptothesky +16 / -0

I agree with Tom Fitton and to be honest, am asking myself what kind of Plan is that?

Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch says: Declassify, Distribute, and Let the People Decide, see here on breitbart:


I cannot understand why that not happened long ago, cannot understand why it should be necessary to let them steal the election, to show the world the truth. IF "We have the Servers", IF "We have it All", IF "There are much more good guys than bad Guys" and so on. To "wake up" more people?

Fact is: "We, The People" in the U.S.A. and in the whole world today are more divided than ever before. Fact is: There is no way without the Military. So, who cares what the people think or believe. You can tell them everything and they will believe as Greta Thunberg, Covid and the MSM proved to us. So why not play the same game?

Shut down the media, put Military in Control, use all Media Channels to spread the truth round the clock and arrest as hell. What would have been different 12 months ago instead of today or tomorrow? If you ask me, not very much.

If I had to build this "Plan" up it would have looked really different. That's for sure. And - I think - much more efficient. (Not so sure)

But: Can anyone here explain to me why NOTHING is declassified? I would have done. Long ago. Starting with the creation of the FED. Definitely a about JFK. The complete Russia-Hoax. Benghazi. Weiner Laptop. Biden Laptop. And much more. Why let people suffer from Corona-Hoax, Lockdowns, Bankrupts, losing their jobs, losing friends and family, even losing their lifes?

Summary: Am not chilling, am more and more frustrated and need higher dosis of Hopium from day to day. Not because of me. Because of our children and grandchildren.